
It is sad. It’s sad they probably actively filled her head with those garbage beliefs instead.

I wonder if the quote applies to any industry. I’ve yet to experience a job where the “top of the chain” - of whatever gender and whatever the professed philosophy of the company - actually heard or gave a fuck about much of anything going on below them beyond whether or not traffic/quotas/sales goals were being met

all over the place on Instagram, though. do you frequent festivals or clubs? I’m old and I never really much liked either of those things when I wasn’t yet, but I assume that’s what these clothes are for. There was a time when I was in my late teens/early 20s and goth-y and spent all my disposable income on makeup and

whatever assumptions you carry around about another person’s possible experiences, they are not interview fodder. you don’t know the answer and that should be your response. you don’t just start speculating and also insult the person along the way, pretending at some closer relationship than you really have for some