Communal biker garage? Leave it to Brooklyn.
Communal biker garage? Leave it to Brooklyn.
I watched a sizable chunk of Mr. Comey’s testimony and from what I saw he declined to comment on a myriad of topics and questions citing ongoing investigations and his unwillingness to “smear” the subjects of said investigations. That seems well and good to me only until I remember it was Mr. Comey himself that…
Who on earth keeps telling people this is a good idea?
The person with the LEAST respect for the office of the president is Trump himself. The rest of us are by no means bound to respect the office or the man. This whole idea is some king/dictator shit. It doesn’t matter to me that it’s Mr.Potato Head making this argument because I hear trump defenders spewing this BS all…
Proximity to Florida has not been ruled out as a factor.
but it sure as hell doesn’t start at 10, and two hour lunches disappeared three decades ago
They’d get Jeep and Ram which print money in the states. They’re basically propping FCA up at the moment. VW needs and wants a stronger foothold in the US. Combine that with the synergies in Europe and you’ve got something.
Fuck these “family values” people. I wish I had more to add but I don’t. Just fuck ‘em.
Yeah she was way too comfortable using that term. Smells like a stunt though. I’m going to go back to not knowing or caring at all about this dummy.
All of the above
Very sharp indeed. 8 out of 10...would daily!
Just saw it this weekend. It was thrilling, funny, and culturally relevant. Best movie I’ve seen in a long while. Bravo Jordan Peele.
A+ for civic participation
You said it and now I can’t unsee it....definitely Kevin.
Can we begin impeachment proceedings already. This seems like such a tease.
You sir or madam get it. Thank you
Oh that is my worst nightmare. A world populated primarily by FCA vehicles.
Wow, all the writing is on the wall. I hope all the Trumpsters are ready to start chanting “lock him up” outside or Mar-a-Lago.
As a drag weapon of mass tire destruction this thing is awesome but as something I would want to own or even drive it’s not even registering. Maybe I’m just not feeling the hype.