So would you say that what a fox body Mustang has is....character?
So would you say that what a fox body Mustang has is....character?
Oh my, I think I would
Really this is the only thing he is good at. He’s built a career on it. Throughout the 80s and 90s he played the NYC media market like a fiddle. This is Trump 101 on the grandest scale.
Can we maybe stop talking about his tweets? There are things that the Republicans are doing everyday that threaten the American way of life. The president’s asinine tweets are the perfect cover as they are both sensational and largely inconsequential. Let’s give it a rest. Please? Our way of life, based on some of our…
Just wasteful... I mean there are starving engine bays every where!
Yes times 1 kagillion.
What an asshole
Your current president could never
This too shall pass...
Ha! What hot garbage. Your comment disrespects your own intelligence. As for the president, he is owned exactly none of my respect nor that of the author. Kindly go fuck yourself. Good luck baiting people and “healing the country”.
Knowing useless or obscure facts about cars that absolutely no one else cares about.
Nends more cowb....stars
Thus thread deserves all the stars. You just can’t make this shit up...smh
Beyhive, you’re move!
“A fresh set of eyes and new perspective is needed to restore the prestige and status expected of such an elite agency,” Chaffetz said.
Don’t care what anyone says. Good lawd! He’s gorgeous!
But her emails...
They’ve been trying to turn the financial corner with Opel since the Rick Wagoner days. I don’t blame them for considering this option.
The Envision was engineered in Michigan.