
I made a comment about this earlier, but -- I’m surprised that no one else is bothered by the whole breaking of the fourth wall. I’ve never been able to watch shows that have too much of that, and in this, she’s winking at the camera constantly, which takes me right out of the story every time.

Oh, good. Proud Know-Nothing inserts himself and his bland platitudes into the most complex diplomatic situation in the world. This will surely end well.

I read an article explaining that they very purposefully dress him this way for public appearances where there will be lots of cameras. ‘Off duty’ he dresses like a normal little boy with a more modern hairstyle, too. They do this in the hopes that he’ll be much less recognizable playing with his friends at the park

I have read this, too. Kate and William also stay home and send him on play dates in the park with a nanny and bodyguard who, to a paparazzi would appear to be parents to this very normally dressed toddler. They really want to do all they can to allow him to have something of a normal childhood, albeit a childhood of

Just for public appearances. He dresses normally other times. Part of the reason is to help George not be so recognizable when he’s “off duty”. I think there’s a security thing involved here. Also, pictures won’t seem so dated years from now.

I don’t think it’s an official rule written down anywhere, it’s just never been allowed, we don’t even have a written constitution in this country (go back to Diana’s time, and before that Anne, and before that Margaret). They could never accept freebies.

I know, I’m the boring one at the party. But it’s our money and the NHS is creaking at the seams and we’re dealing with Brexit and...

Rumor has it that they dress the children this way only during public events. When they are at home, they dress in everyday kid clothes (Kate’s been seen shopping at GAP Kids near Kensington Palace). They think this will help keep people from recognizing them in public when they are young.

I completely agree with you, but it’s still so alarming to hear it from the frigging presidential candidate, no? I cannot imagine, for all his faults and flaws, George W. having ever even considered saying these kind of things in any kind of public forum (or even a private one).

How smart is this. Just use his own words against him. not bits and pieces of text. Just full sentences he used.

“I believe that both candidates have the intention of making the country a safer and stronger place for every American, they just have different ideas about how we get there.”

I’m assuming you don’t have kids.

It is very possible to have HSV-1 in the genital area. For example, contracting it from someone who has a cold sore outbreak during oral sex.

I’m in the UK and two of my 3 kids were born at home. As I was assessed as a very low risk, it was suggested that I have my last two kids at home.

Pitt wasn’t in The Big Lebowski.

She sort of did choose a public life, though. There was no helping the attention she received after being bridesmaid at her sister’s wedding, but after that she actively pursued public exposure with her book and writing. She could easily have become an elementary school teacher or something but she didn’t. The

Brad Pitt was not in TBL.

She really shouldn’t wear those enticing trees and streams.

Brad Pitt’s not in Lost Boys.

. . . .