
The best little whore house in Texas is hands down the greatest musical comedy ever made. Happy birthday Dolly 😘

Is that the books where these kids live on an island and all date each other? Zoey and Lucas and the blind kid? I loved those as a teenager!

I don’t think that’s true re his stand up. I remember him doing stand up on the 11 o’clock show years before The Office (on UK TV). So I’m pretty sure he did his turn as a little known comic in the clubs. Incidentally the 11 O’clock show also gave the world Sacha Baron Cohen as Ali G innit

I will confess I have not seen too much Amy Schumer, however the stuff I have seen seems to be really fucking racist and therefore I do not care for Amy Schumer.

I thought the same thing until I had kids and couldn’t stand to be that asshole whose bratty precocious kid tells all the other kids Santa isn’t real. So I suck it up and chat Santa shit like everyone else. My kid is super gullible though, she has Muslim school friends who obviously don’t do Santa and she still hasn’t…

My daughter took a book on home birth, with detailed pictures in it, for show and tell at age 4. My 2 year old breast feeds her teddies. My kid is the one telling all her friends where babies come from. We are THAT family. I would be absolutely furious if my underage child was taken to a sex shop by her teacher…

Interesting you should say that; Donald Trump came 3rd in this years nomination, and the 2nd runner up was..wait for it... that Bagdadi guy, the ISIS leader. So. Yeah.

A+ Wodehousian username

That is funny and also a compliment!

National security? He’s s threat to global security. It is so fucking scary for the fate of the world to be at the whim of the Anerican people. What do you think is going to happen in the Middle East if this absolute cretin becomes the most powerful man on the planet? We are looking at WW3. I am seriously shit scared…

Incitement to racial hatred is a crime in the UK. Also denying someone a service because of their race, religion or sexuality, spectacularly illegal. This stupid asshole broke the law and advertised it. I do not feel sorry for her. We have these laws to prevent situations like, if I’m correct, you have in some states…

Thank you. Posting the flag over your stupid duck face or drunk bikini pose is inappropriate as shit. Its no coincidence that seemingly everyone who does this kind of thing are the least likely to post a political statement normally. Total narcissistic slacktivism. It's like the ice bucket challenge for terrorist…

Who the fuck is letting off firecrackers at the moment? I live in London, near some major landmarks and people are still setting off 5th November fireworks. Shops are selling them cheap. Every time they go off in the last 48hrs, we’re like, is that fucking gunfire? STOP SETTING OFF FIREWORKS WHEB EVERYONE IS ON HIGH…

It's warm frothy milk with chocolate on top. What kid wouldn't want that??

If Richard Curtis is involved then it will be awful

It’s excellent. I LOL’d. I never LOL

I also thought oral sex had to be kissing because WHAT THE HELL ELSE COULD IT BE WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT GOES THERE EWWWWWW

So dreamy. 90’s goth me is forever heartbroken

All those people would be terrible. BRADLEY COOPER?? Maybe Tom Hiddleston...but really still no. Just make some cool new goth films! Without Bradley Cooper!

I just don’t understand why you would want to put down a woman that is prettier or cooler or smarter than you. I want to make those women my friends, so I can stare at their hair and bask in their general awesomeness. I want to be around them, not destroy them.