
15 years ago, my friend died aged 18. My friends turned his funeral into a rave. Hardcore was played. Everyone was dressed in rave gear. Everyone dropped ecstasy at the wake. This might have been a cool funeral except for the fact that my friend had DIED AT A RAVE FROM TAKING BAD ECSTASY. A more inappropriate and

Yes! Nearly all my friends told me how much of a bitch they thought I was when they first met me. I’m very reserved and it takes a while for me to be myself around people, which comes off as snobby and bitchy. But to be anything else is not being true to me. Luckily I’m English, where reserve is more tolerated. God

It is totally gross. What is more gross is offering a large sum to a woman in a bad financial situation. Even when said situation is of her own making, a la ‘Octomom’, it is totally coercive and exploitative.

I knew it.

Dressed in shit from H&M and with his nanny, the kid could go anywhere incognito. Except for the fucktard paps it seems.

This raises many questions. How does one take a long elevator ride? Is he visiting the Empire State Building solely to ride the elevator, or does he just go up and down a standard elevator repeatedly?

I was pretty stoked. My kid and I were actually trying to meet Taylor Swift, backstage at her concert. That didn't work out but Emma Watson was so much better! I was fan girling hard.

I met Emma Watson and she seems like the sweetest.

I know. I think trophy hunting lions falls into the same category.

I think it was Oscar Wilde who said “the unspeakable hunting the uneatable.” Rich fuckers killing for fun. That is psycho behavior.

In London. It's everywhere.

I hope you are right. We have spent 10 years wondering why each of us couldn't be more like the other, misunderstanding each other's needs and intentions, and resenting each other. We love each other deeply but drive each other utterly nuts. I really hope this revelation can be the start of a different way of thinking.

I did an online one and it said I'm an ISFJ. I have no idea what my husband is, but I am definitely anxious.

I sent him a stream of articles to read. He’s normally very opposed to any kind of ‘quackery’ as he puts it, but this all made total sense even to him. I have hope.

It's horrible. A few weeks ago my husband announced, on a Saturday morning, that 2 friends of his from the States that he hadn't seen in years were coming round in a few hours. The panic I felt was really scary. I screamed at him and he looked at me like I had 2 heads. I had to go out, I just could not handle the

I just cannot believe that I never figured this out before now. I even have a psychology degree but know so little about myself. With 2 very demanding small children, I need to work on the zoning out. Maybe I need noise canceling headphones!

Exactly! I've been questioning my sanity because of how overwhelmed I get sometimes. I literally have these meltdowns like a little kid where I just cannot cope anymore. Now I realize, it's because I'm never, ever alone.

Yes of course I get that. I was being silly

This is weird. Literally last night I came across this woman, and realized there was a word for my ‘problem’. So many misunderstandings, mental health issues and relationship difficulties came sharply into focus when I realized that I am an undiagnosed introvert, married to an extreme extrovert. Because I am confident

Thank you! If I eat gluten regularly I get rashes, my skin itches and starts to bleed and I get crippling stomach aches. I can however eat small amounts occasionally without too much harm, a little itching and gas. I haven’t bothered to spend money on tests to get a diagnosis because....what’s the point? I know I