
I was just thinking that.

But he was under a spell! He was falling in love with Ariel before that evil witch Ursula showed up.

I'm from England and subscribe to Private Eye and have for years. I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you have an edition number? Or a link? Anything? It is disingenuous to say that Chelsea Clinton is known in the UK as a racist psycho, that is not true at all.

Well done for posting 2 of the best gifs ever!

Who, pray tell, is this? I could watch him crack that little smile all day

They're destitute, so probably making a quick buck is high on her priorities. I would actually love to read a book about Reeva, as I think the way she has been erased out of the narrative surrounding her death is utterly criminal. In all these months and with all these articles, I've yet to see one focussing on her,

I hate that he is suddenly the loudest voice of the far left wing in the UK today because he is a coked up idiot who makes us look bad. I still would, but I'd hate myself after.

Again, if other people want to wear heels, then good for them. Go for it! I have less than no desire to. If you can seriously go about your daily life in sky high heels as comfortably as in trainers, then that's great for you. I'm impressed. I also wager that you are in the minority. The amount of business women I see

Hey, I also think burqas and niqabs are oppressive, but I would fight for a woman's right to wear one if she so chose. If you're happy in your tottering heels, wear on sister.

You're welcome to call Timberlands shit. I'll carry on thinking high heels are oppressive. Opinions- we are allowed to express them.

I'm 5'2" and would die before putting on a pair of heels. The most oppressive piece of clothing ever invented. I'm going out tonight in a mini dress and steel toecapped Timberlands. I can walk, dance, run AND kick a guy in the shins if I need to.

chuck + Blair 4 eva

I'm 32 and have just gone back to a further education college as a mature student (retraining). My subject is all mature students but most of the college are aged 17 and 18. They are the worst! Loud, obnoxious, rude, spotty, immature, rowdy braggarts. How any adult woman can be attracted to young men/boys is beyond

I call bullshit on the fertility rationale. If men actually are more attracted to women in their 20's, it's probably because babies are less likely to be on the cards anytime soon than with women in their 30's (huge generalisation I know but made from listening to my 30 something male friends who think their female

OMG, all the clothes from Reality Bites! I love Winona's doily dress

I wasn't a Charmed viewer, but one day it was on and Rose Mcgowen's character was getting married and her wedding dress was THE ONE! This is the best picture I can find. My own dress was nothing like this, it was neither white nor a wedding dress, but goddamn do I wish I could have gotten married in this dress

Everyone keeps telling me how loopy they are. I'm going to do lots of puppy classes/obedience training. I can't wait.

oooh oooh I'm getting one! Very excited. They're so gorgeous.

Hi, I'm sure you are waaay over my 'what dog should I get?' monologue, but I just wanted to say thanks again for all your information and advice, based on which I have decided against a Samoyed. I live in London off a major road, and having a dog that is disobedient and likes to run off is just not safe. So I'm