
I read that article in the Guardian, it's a beautiful, moving project and I'm glad Jezebel is covering it. They're our boobs! Not men's, but ours. That's a really important message.

This is a great article. The part about dealing with the fact that black bodies and lives are valued less made me tear up. You're right and it's so desperately fucking unfair. I'm sorry for every black person who has to live with this fact. I'm angry on your behalf and I hope change comes soon.

he's going to get away with it. I said this from the get go. Just watch. Asshole.

yes thanks, although I'm now very careful to avoid migraine triggers which sadly includes alcohol :(

yeah actually the seizure cleared the migraine but a post ictal state is no fun either. Plus a lumbar puncture gives you a headache for days! Fuck migraines, they're the worst.

last month I spent 2 days in hospital as a result of a migraine related seizure. It was the first seizure I ever had and they had to do a lumbar puncture and an MRI to make sure it wasn't a brain haemmorage (I can't spell). It was agonising and scary and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Get well Kanye you crazy fucker.

Minimum wage is not reserved wholly for unskilled work. Some jobs off the top of my head that I know pay minimum wage are: nursery assistant, care worker in an old peoples home, healthcare assistant in a hospital, officer in an immigration remand centre- all hard working jobs in any kind of definition and all

I can't use any form of hormonal contraception or an IUD. I'm married with 2 unplanned babies. I chart and use condoms but I'm coming down off another pregnancy scare. I was thinking that sterilisation was going to be the only real option for us, but this?! This would be a fricking god send, and yeah, damn straight my

Me too! I dress like a scruff bag and my kid goes to a nice school (I'm the youngest mother there at 31, most are in their 40's). I got mistaken for the nanny all the time when she first started.


My daughter loves that show. That girl Sam has got a real attitude problem *shakes fist at TV*

sheeeet. That's harsh

yup. Fellow Brit and this basically sounds like my childhood, minus the IV

I did not know that. Like obviously it's illegal to supply alcohol to a minor but even have them drinking in your house? I guess times have changed. I got alcohol poisoning at a party as a young teen and the kids parents just put me to bed- I was out of it for 3 days. They did call my mum though....Ugh. Bad times.

Is allowing teens to get drunk in your house a crime, or is it just administering an IV that is illegal?

I heard that too. Some study found that kids who grew up on a farm were far less likely to have allergies. Supposedly all the antibacterial agents and super clean environments we now live in mean that our immune systems don't have to deal with so many germs and they start attacking harmless substances instead. This is

Maybe it's different in the states? Onesies are definitely an 'all in one' in the UK and a bodysuit is a top with crotch poppers. It would be very Kim and Kanye to go all European.

A baby long sleeve bodysuit is honestly a thing. A onesie has legs, a bodysuit does not.

Since having my 2nd kid I hit that plateau nearly every time. It's fucking bullshit is what it is.

Yeah. I want to like her. I really do. But the Palestine stuff made it impossible for me.