Unrelated, but ladies I just had to post this pic from tonight’s gala...
Unrelated, but ladies I just had to post this pic from tonight’s gala...
Now if she could rock some caftans and jewels, she could emulate the amazing Liz Taylor!
Jennifer Aniston is set for life financially, has an amazing beach house where she regularly consumes the best weed California has to offer, she’s been married to Brad Pitt and Justin Theroux (worth repeating), and frankly she seems like a pretty cool person with lots of friends... not to mention, she was in freaking…
Sigh. Not it isn’t. It’s human. Stupid and misguided but human.
God. This fucking show. So now Dany’s closest advisors are plotting against her to put Jon fucking Snow on the throne? Really? This guy? The guy who keeps failing upwards and keeps being given titles he doesn’t deserve and doesn’t even want? Meanwhile, we’re supposed to now hate Dany, who went from rape victim and…
He has a penis. This is George R. R. Martin, after all. He loves him some boobs bouncing boobily down the stairs.
Oh Brienne, Tormund would’ve never done you that way.
Sure, it was an accident. But first of all, that’s an accident that can cause a lot of damage, so accident or nah, they’re still liable. Second of all, they acted super nonchalant and refused to apologize when asked.
Are you blaming the parents of a dropped newborn for the aftermath?
I would be the new owner of that medical center or I would be in prison if that were my child.
Saying “I’m sorry” is taking responsibility. In the age when lawyers and insurers run healthcare, not doctors, an apology is impossible.
The doctors response is just disgusting. You can’t say sorry? These parents seem like perfectly reasonable people, they have every right to be upset. Thank god they were filming this, otherwise they’d be totally discredited. Jesus Christ, if you’re an obstetrician who drops a baby on its head and you feel no remorse-…
Put aside, for a moment, the sheer incompetence it takes to drop a newborn baby. Put aside (as Nunna Yorz aptly described) the fact that minorities get treated worse in health care settings, which gives some context to the response they got.
Sophie Turner is flawless and went through puberty with astonishing grace. I want to know who was mean to her so I can go full Faceless Man on them.
When Kelly got her appendix removed did she yell out “ Steve Carrell !!!!”
what’re they gonna do with all the dogs to make room for the babies
Honestly there was no other way they could have done this without being compared to the Priyanka/Nick shenanigans. So good on them
I don’t know, I can see Lisa’s point of view: the Toms entire role is representing the personality of the bar, as she mentioned. When she jokingly chides them for flying off to Mexico at the same time as opening a new bar, she is selling her image for Tom Tom. Young, jet-setting, rich, carefree hot dudes who are so…
Totally. After Brittany was crying while looking at herself in the wedding dresses, I realized what the whole thing reminded me of - the show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It’s sort of a parody of a romcom, about the stupidity of rushed, fantasy romance among fucked up people.
LaLa Kent needs a -10