also if I decide to wear glasses, my lashes bump up against the lenses and that makes me angry
also if I decide to wear glasses, my lashes bump up against the lenses and that makes me angry
Getting ready as a guy:
Ugh. I used to consider myself not “high maintenance” either, but when I see all the makeup and products on my dresser, I realize that I also use a ton of stuff! Once when I tried explaining to my bf why it takes me a minimum of 2 hours to get ready for a date (including showering and hair), his response was, “Damn.…
Unfortunately, there are certain portions of law enforcement who never emotionally matured from high school.
It’s an important job. We should expect better than this.
for serious. I always see Trump supporters frothing at the mouth and yelling about snowflakes and saying “you’re not allowed to ‘be offended’ by anything, you’re not a snowflake” and I just want to remind them that if something really bothers them that much, it seems like they’re pretty offended, which makes them…
Boy, those Trumpanzees sure are fragile little snowflakes, aren’t they?
When I told my mother I was going to the “Come Meet a Black Person” event in Lawrenceville, Ga., she readily told…
The white people, both liberals and conservatives, that rush to defend Nazis and the KKK on behalf of free speech haven’t been as vocal about this. Hmm.
I think we should ban all men who describe themselves as “Sex Positive.”
“Shut up and listen” should just be the mantra of anyone who is on the easy side of any social issue.
This. When I was sexually harassed at work and reported it, my office manager said “well, he couldn’t have meant anything by it. He’s a married man!” Because married men never do anything wrong. Luckily, my boss was a no nonsense woman who had worked in government since the 70s and seen it all, and immediately rolled…
Damn. THIS. Thank you. #metoo
(spoilers) How good was that scene where the lawyer was like “yeah, she wanted me, just how it is..” !!!! So much projection!
Yes! All of this! It messes us up to the extent that you don’t know how to feel or behave when they fuck with past events. And yet they’re able to recall them when it is convenient to do so - when they want to switch the narrative yet again.
So many men can look you straight in the eye and say they didnt do/say/act something they blatantly did. Women probably can do the same but men really seem to lie with a level of commitment where I think they’ve actually completely compartmentalised what they did. Like they actually don’t remember what they did until…
You put words to a feeling I haven’t been able to pinpoint. I keep seeing men say “don’t trust allies, not even me” and you’re spot on - they’re performing in some bizarre way that allows them to not be accountable and not give up any power. Thank you so much for this comment.
Holding your hand up and going my bad, not cool, is how we all get out of having to actually do anything. We acknowledged that things are bad and you want us to do something about that too!?!?!
I read an article like that on Jezebel the other day:
Millennials didn’t learn from the Baby Boomers that shaming an entire population doesn’t cause awareness that leads to change. It causes awareness of a social standard that leads to pretending to change. That’s why we have wypipo calling themselves the victims of racism. They are tired of the shaming and tired of the…