Claire, the vaginatarian

I don’t disagree with the point you’ve made at all and I don’t necessarily disagree with the wider point Kathmandu was making. My response above came from the frustration of constantly being told “but but women!” whenever something critical is said about men. It’s the constant attempt to derail that’s the source of my

Women are only about 10% of offenders. It’s absolutely true that it gets downplayed when the victim is male (he should be happy/proud to get the attention), and I don’t in any way condone that, but when 90% of offenders are men I think it’s fair to say that sexual abuse is a male problem.

And the guilt as a victim in being responsible for the criminal’s consequences.

“I was scared of losing my friend” really speaks to the loneliness and isolation he must’ve felt as both a child star and victim of abuse.

That was my first reaction. Sorta wish I’d kept it short and sweet with that. Also, I don’t want to come across like I don’t believe women can’t do evil shit and that boys/men can’t be victims. Because of course. I once saw a good analogy for All Lives Matters on Twitter and it feels like it can also be applied to

Sexual abusers are overwhelmingly male.

Actually, having read Tarentino’s “apology,” I believe it is no such thing. I think the analysis at the Mary Sue blog is right on this. See this post on Tarentino:

Based on the rumors that everyone tosses around but does nothing with (like Weinstein as of two months ago), I would not suggest that 14 year old boys in the industry are remotely safe. And I suspect they have, if anything, less idea that they’re a target of sexual predators.

Unfortunately this summer my husband had to take our 12 year old daughter and her friend aside at the beach and talk to them about it after he chased off a creeper older teen. Apparently the girls took it okay ( I wasn’t there-the teen “accidentally” touched one of the girls butt and then was “adjusting” himself) but

Such a tough thing - you’re totally right and I felt the same as a teenage girl, that I just wish someone had been honest with me about all the bullshit and patriarchy I was encountering... I was just angry angry angry all the time, and being told to smile. Rage face.

Also fatphobic. I don’t really care if a bunch of white girls get their feelings hurt, because God knows white girl feelings get plenty of consideration already, but man, I’m not sure bagging someone for liking fat women is keeping on the side of the angels.

She brings the crockpot filled with meatballs in her special sauce.* Marge is a true Christian Warrior.

I thought the peeing while sitting down comment was a little off. Glad I’m not the only one.

63-year-old trying to look 30-year-old with the tight-lipped permabitchface: Bet she’s a hoot at the church potlucks

Not having facts behind them never stops racist from declaring shit they made up as fact. It’s Faux News’ business model.

How fucking misogynist and homophobic can you be? For shit’s sake.

See... I rocked with your list, I’m all sitting here, going along for the ride. Then you go and do number 8 and number 10.

Her racist sign is factually inaccurate. Kaepernick was kneeling, not sitting.

Someone needs to take that handwritten sign the woman in the picture has, roll it up and jam it up her ass.