Claire, the vaginatarian

Sharapova loves to talk shit but hates to be accountable for it.

Sharapova WISHES she could look this awesome. “Thick” arms and legs, my ass.

Thank you!!! Don’t send dick pics, folks; they can only serve to disqualify you.

The penis is generally not an attractive body part- it is in fact much more frequently silly-looking- and amateur phone-pics will not improve the situation.

Somebody needs to do a study on why so many dudes have the emotional intelligence of a 4 year old - because really, by age 5 you should have stopped randomly pulling out your wee-wee to show people.

Yeah, it is actually sexual harassment to send porn to people who neither asked for and are not expecting it. Sorry. You should stop defending this bullshit. Also, nobody wants to see your stupid dick.

How is this hard?

I received an unsolicited dick pic during a meeting once and had a hell of a time explaining why I shouted “JESUS! I forgot they came in pink!” during the middle of a menu planning session.

Imagine me just indiscriminately sending them into people’s inboxes.

This is what you’re doing. Stop it.

As is sex in the woods, sex on some tall-ass grass, sex in Montana, sex with a Costco value pack of Daisy Brand cottage cheese, and sex with Taye Diggs.

What completely baffles my mind with these people is the ‘blue lives matters’ flag is literally a desecrated American flag. So Colin Kaerpnick is disrespecting the flag by taking a knee for his cause, but you’re not disrespecting it by drawing on it with magic markers for yours?

A more intriguing question is why so many want to have an awkward threesome with both it and the Confederate flag...

Between this, Top of the Lake: China Doll, Handmaid’s Tale and Doctor Foster season 2 I am feeling downright spoiled. Is this what it’s like to be a white man where every piece of media is made for your consumption?