Updated Friday, Sept. 8, 2017, 9:30 p.m. EDT: Because the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is looking for…
Updated Friday, Sept. 8, 2017, 9:30 p.m. EDT: Because the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is looking for…
He really thought he would teach these two a lesson, I think. That was his fucking bigot, asshole logic here. And when it got bigger and suit was filed, it was a chance to really show ALL TEH GAYS.
I’m sure many do. And they can do it with impunity until someone proves a pattern of “already being booked” only when asked by a protected class.
Came here to class up this joint and say just that. There’s also white gazpacho, cold borscht, vichyssoise ...
The policy is wrong and their views are obviously vile, but WHY don’t these places ever just say “I’m sorry, we cannot (do whatever) for your wedding because we are already booked on that day”. You own a business. You’re trying to make money and stay in business. Do that.
cocks and rainbows
Ugh. Everybody, let’s be clear: Businesses can refuse you service because “I don’t like your face” or “your t-shirt is offensive, change it or leave” (see SouthWest Airlines). They will, however, get in trouble with the law if every person whose face they don’t like happens to be brown, or if they just refuse service…
No Dogs or Irish
I don’t understand where you see things that are “a bit weird.”
Dear wedding cake bakers and florists:
He’s also a stupid idiot (yes, both). I’ve been a craftswoman, and let’s face it, we’ve all met people you just know are going to be more trouble than they’re worth... Or just rub you the wrong way. Instant dislike can be a thing.
You can refuse to bake a swastika cake, decorate a cake with obscenities, or even refuse to use white frosting. You just can’t refuse to bake a cake for someone because of their race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc.
I look forward to the plaintiff’s lawyers backing up a dump truck’s worth of settled law that shows a business of public accommodation like this doesn’t qualify as exercise of free speech, and burying the defendant’s table in it.
To all the trolls claiming this is somehow a freedom of speech bullshit issue: No one was asking them to inscribe “We love gay marriage and support it whole full stop” on the damn cake. They were asked to make a blank wedding cake. Refusing to make a cake that says “I love Nazis” is a false analogy because a) that’s…
All the while playing the victims.
Just like the puritans who felt they were being ‘persecuted’ by the english because they weren’t allowed to persecute others.
Motherfucker isn’t participating in a ceremony that violates his religious beliefs. He’s not officiating the damn thing. He’s not acting as the best man, or the ring-bearer, or the flower girl even. His end of it happens after said ceremony has already been completed. At most, he is providing part of the catering.
“We don’t serve your kind.” Plain and simple.
Saturday’s final in the U.S. Open’s women’s singles matchup will be an athletic display of all black, everything…