
My ex-husband did it. Sent away a cheek swab. He found out he was Jewish (which his mom had already told him but he didn’t believe). He identified as a white-irish-meathead (and no I don’t just mean Irish American, I definitely mean meathead). He promptly turned his self-hatred into anti-semitism. He then became

I can trace my genealogy back to Israel in 1565. Jews love to keep records. I wonder what a DNA test would actually be able to tell me.

“So, are you girls virgins? I can tell Julie is not because look at her exposed ankles. That’s the mark of a hussy. Put some clothes on Julie.”

I re-binged on Luther last week.

If one gif could so thoroughly represent a man, its this one.

I hate that I’m old enough for people I consider legends to start dying. I’m so wrung out from Bowie’s passing that the suckerpunch that is losing Alan Rickman has knocked me flat.

After all this time, Alan.


It’s a tough line to draw. My hormones have been out of whack for a year and I haven’t been aroused that whole time, but I've had sex with my husband often despite my lack of arousal because I've still wanted to to maintain an emotional connection while I work through health issues. There's definitely a gray area in

It’s a bit uncomfortable to discuss this, but I’ve had similar experiences to yours, except I’m a guy. When my wife is in the mood and I’m not, I know that there will be emotional repercussions later if I tell her i’m not into it. So I allow her the opportunity to try to get me into the mood, and usually it works.

If you say no, and THEN YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND and participate, that isn’t rape. If you say no and then you lay there motionless, that is rape your friend probably didn’t do the latter and then call it “great sex”.

Well, she does have some right to frame her own experiences, no? I hope you didn’t break off the relationship based on this story alone.

It’s so interesting to read that many female saints entered religious life to avoid the constraints of domestic life given the Church’s role in keeping women out of public life.

"Love" as in general, non-specific, friendly term from northern England; as opposed to the patronising, vomit-inducing version.

Apparently I am one of the 40% who can digest it. I have never had any digestive issues, and I drink milk on the regular. Whole milk, too, motherfucker.

I hope its shade, I love lots of Jezebel posts but the "I'm right because I am angry and maybe had a glass of wine" literature well is starting to get a bit dry.

Counterpoint: There is no better snack food than chocolate milk.

So proud that we have someone who is both a doctor and a judge on staff.