
Perhaps we have a different idea of when the middle ages existed, but I did a whole history A level topic on witch trials in the middle ages. It was very easy to accuse someone of witch craft; the belief in ‘magic’ was not uncommon, it was associated either with healing skills or withe the devil and sometimes both.



My best friend of 18 years (we've been friends since 7) decided to cut me off completely one day, out of the blue. The worst thing about that is that I do not know whether I am the victim or to blame. I do know that she's spread lies about me to past friends, and even vulnerable family members, and that none of my

I love The Host, and much prefer it over Twilight (which I used to be obsessed with...). It's true Stephenie Meyer isn't the best writer, but the host is her best writing, and it's the better story too. I think it was a best seller, even if it wasn't as commercially successful as the Twilight series.

I work as a primary teacher in hoxton, which is an area of shoreditch (or directly next to it, I can never quite work out the hackney areas properly). It seems to be the last place in the area to be gentrified (it isn’t gentrified at all). It is a very deprived area, with people who cannot afford to eat out at all,

I used to be a midwife... Whilst we obviously recommended against drinking alcohol I never once heard or told a woman not to eat cold meat. Avoid excess of tuna and swordfish is the only thing I remember saying.

Same! In hindsight, we had an unhealthy friendship from when we were 7 till we were 18. She was the more dominant friend, I was a bit more shy (but strangely, only after becoming friends with her...)

To be fair, I’d never say never either

That’s probably true! It’s funny though, there are a lot of celebs who are desperate to ‘crack’ the U.S., so I'd have thought Rita wasn't alone.

I didn’t even know religious hospitals were a thing, is that because the UK has a national religion? Is every hospital assumed to be Church of England. I worked in one on and off for 3 years and there was literally zero religion in it, apart from a chaplain who occasional visited the wards to hand out cups of tea.

What I don’t get is why people are so freaked out by not knowing who Rita is? When did that start? She’s a pretty successful pop singer in the UK, but we have lots of those that no one in the U.S. has really heard of, so what’s singled Rita out?

Wtf I am from Europe and that does not happen! Maybe it’s because I’m from England but...I don’t think Gynae visits are the same here. Unless you have a family predisposition or request it, breast examinations don’t happen until you hit 50 (my mum laments the only card to arrive on her 50th was her appointment :P).

My first (and only, though I’ve now been due a year) smear test involved the female doctor forcing a speculum that was too large inside me. Afterwards, she told me to tell the doctor next time that I’d need the smaller size.

Ah but by the time that happens so will the peak oil crisis and all the environmental problems we've created will be about to wipe us all out :/

Omg I love the Plantagenet/ Tudor era so much but yep I'll stay here thnx

Yup. Without modern medicine I would have died at birth, mom would have died having me and therefore neither of my siblings would have existed. I wasn't even born via caesarean! Mind you, my parents would never have met either and neither would my dads parents.

I would love to witness (tourist style) other time periods...if there was a 100% certainty I would survive and have no life ruining incidents. And would be able to travel back to now in my TARDIS whenever I wanted.

That’s all true, and not stuff I had considered (partially because I am not trans, so haven’t experienced it, and partially because i haven’t been exposed to a lot of information before) so ill take it into account if I ever see the film (cinemas are crazily expensive). If it’s the main characters story though, it

It definitely would be preferable for a trans woman to play this role, however for a cis man Eddie looks like he acts the part well. Also, as someone else mentions, the character is (physically) male for 2/3 of the plot, so at least he is not playin a character who has transitioned for 100% of the film.