
Ah see I love Mercy! She has a few other trilogies I haven’t read yet (they’re on the kindle) and another series (Alpha and Omega- although the first story is actually a short story) but they’re in the Mercy world so you might not like them. There’s a series by another author that’s known as the Fever series, but I

It’s good! This isn't the first in the series though, and it's kinda YA. The snarky, well written kind. And it's set in England!

Some of the urban fantasy with a bit of romance is the best. Try Patricia Briggs, darynda jones, ilona Andrews...they're all funny and have plots as well.


I did lots of activities as a kid (at one point, 3 in an evening!) but there was no pressure to do them, and my mom engineered it so that the activities we did we’re near places she needed to be (like, near the supermarket or in an area where the opticians, doctors, shops were). It meant that in our activity time (she

Until I was 15 we lived in a flat in this extremely rich families manor house (my mum had been their nanny and my dad still worked on their farm). Anyway, they had a string of overseas au pairs and helping hands that my sister and I really got on with (probably because we were regular children whereas the families

20 year old me had to pick my drunken mom out of a hedge once! So funny!

Someone's bitter they don't look good in a maxi dress!

I’ve only been to Edinburgh once, and I loved it, but I got such intense feelings of creepiness and secrets there...made me love it even more! I don't know if that's normal, but I've grown up in old places that might have been haunted to maybe I've grown to like that feeling!

I was so hungover in Edinburgh last summer I threw up 3 times walking down the hill from the old town to the train station. In to the pretty park.


25! Female! Love Marvel Universe! Also, totally not telling you to check it out but check out Daredevil. V good. Less corny.

My teenage years weren’t too long ago, and my brother is slap bang in the middle (16). My mum is the kind of mum who shouted at us for calling each other’s cows, and made us miss friends barbecues for Good Friday mass (im still bitter mum)...and yet I never lied to her about the alcohol I drank at house parties from

Clair Frances (me)

During the 3 years I was a student midwife (sept 09-sept 12) I noticed that so many girl babie has either grandma generation names or names that ended in the ‘ie’ sound (Edie, Ettie, Millie, Amelie) or ‘la’ sound (Ella, Bella) and so many boys had J names (Jake, Jack, Jason, Jacob). Names are cyclical.

This all sounds amazing! I live in south London at the moment (clapham) but hope to move to north london in the summer (I work in hoxton, so somewhere a decent commute from there), and that means I'll be a lot closer to all these places to check them out!

My best friend had to take her two tween nieces to a Nicki Minaj concert because their mom (my friends sister) bought them all tickets for Xmas. Apparently it was horrifically inappropriate for preteens; my friend new this in advance but her sister just laughed about it.

Definitely! I knew it was lovely when I lived there, but I almost appreciate that more now!

This all sounds amazing, thank you!

Yep! It's definitely open now, but it isn't really a stately home to visit. It's more of a portrait gallery and jewellery museum.