
I typically try to stay away from sweeping generational blame, but this morning someone in my FB feed posted a phenomenally depressing infographic that displayed the voting preferences for the Brexit broken down by age group, along with “how many years they’ll live with this decision”. Damn if it wasn’t the most

What the everloving fuck is wrong with people?

What wisht said. You are very welcome here, and I will be voting so that you hopefully Remain so.

I want to say that while I know you must be exposed to all kinds of hateful anti-immigration shit, as far as this Brit is concerned, you are a very welcome and important part of this country <3

Gabby Giffords had a heartfelt tweet about this:

I’m so sorry, UK brethren. I’m not sure I would have been as shocked if this had happened here in the US, because goddam guns, but how awful for you all in the civilized world.

This is tangential, but I want to say thank you to Jezebel for reporting on the many tragedies of the past few days. The Internet is a pretty hateful place, and so is the rest of the world, but I know I can come here to find a community of people ready to support each other, and when we disagree, to do so with empathy

I think you’re being too hard on yourself. I think enough time has now passed. I never had a bad night at The Tunnel. I also never got why there was such a fuss made about the toilets.

taps aff!


More like “brrrrrrrruh” than “brew”

My grandfather was from Edinburgh, and I support this statement.


Both yourself and sgtyukon are horribly, terribly wrong.

Also depends on where you are from in Scotland. Everywhere but glasgow is emotionally repressed. Glasgow is not emotionally repressed. I know because I fucking live here.