
You made the right choice . I owned/own a Gti at this moment and what they don’t tell you is that they have the propensity to self destruct via the shitty designing of the timing chain tensioner. A couple thousand miles out of powertrain warranty and I'm stuck here wishing I would have bought the Miata I initially

Tire changing is dangerous business, apparently.

LOL, a Jalopnik commenter complaining about pedantry. Now I’ve seen fuckin’ everything.

  • Save the classics

Ahh, the internet. Without it, I think Microsoft Excel would have failed as a product, its use is so opaque. When is it a comma and when is it a colon, and more importantly, in 2015 WHY DO I HAVE TO FUCKING KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!

M3 is a sedan. M4 is very much not a sedan. Which is why it’s an M4.

Why yes, joke ruiner bot, I do.

Let me get this straight. You are concerned with reliability, so your plan is to buy a 1st year production ALFA ROMEO?

It could even make that pppbbppbbbtttttt sound you do with your lips.

I am confused by this comment. Are you expecting them to sell Miatas new for $3-7k? Even in 1990 they started at $13,900, which is $25k today

It should be made out of floppy leather so it just sags in the vent hole.

Want to not get screwed on craigslist? Simple. CASH ONLY. (oh and make sure not to post in the wrong section or you might get cash AND screwed)


“Joke”. Ok. You’re always complaining about Aaron’s AOTD’s, playing it off like a “joke” is like that bully in elementary school that does just that when called out. Grow up. Use your commenting power to catalyze good discussion or present a well thought-out point. Stop bitching.

But unlike an elected official, it has zero bearing on your life or the institutions you rely on. So fucking give it a rest.

And thank you as well Tyler. Yours is the only article current on the entire Gawker network that has two important words - Veterans Day - in it.

A Honda, but Jesus didn’t like to talk about it.

John 12:49- “For I do not speak of my own Accord...”

That’s gotta be a record for comment brevity-to-grammar-error ratio.