Chris Kreschollek

I drive a full size sedan (Mercedes S-class) and I was trying to park earlier at the park, and I was getting a bit frustrated. I don’t like fighting with other vehicles in these semi-urban areas just so to find somewhere to get out of my vehicle. I suppose that these vehicles are better suited towards suburban,

I don't really fly that much but I always looked forward to it. It's the only time someone will actually touch me. 

I wish I could find an article or something about California installing sensors along the side of the freeway at a certain interval and in collaboration with Mercedes (I think) they were testing driverless technology.

I live in Phoenix and we have Waymo which is fully autonomous, and I have ridden in it. It seems to take side streets over main roads, and doesn’t get on the freeway; but you can sit in the backseat and nobody is at the wheel.

Love it.

Would it be possible that we get sucked into a black hole before heat death of the universe? 🤔

I’m thinking it might be useful after coming home late to my wife after spending a few steamy hours with my side piece. 😏


We can take all the people under 16 and over 65 and send them all to South America. Problem solved. 

I believe there was a movie about this same kind of situation. So either it has happened before and the story was made into a movie, or people are turning make believe into reality.

Blame Biden. 

Ban Margera was driving cars off cliffs and the like but most people see him as deranged. This type of behavior which is pushing the envelope still seems to be becoming normalized.

It's fine if you want to live in Amsterdam, Sausalito, Portland, or Vancouver and you are just going to leave it in one place. Otherwise 🥱

I have range anxiety already. 

Nice. I don't know anybody that is going to trust me to Ollie over there Ferrari, much less go near it. 

Cars have been losing their seduction since the early 2000's. I have to look harder and harder to find things that I like. 

I’m a little late to the party.

Sadly, yes.

You made it seem as though the reason was so they could turn them into wastebaskets.

I have no problems.