
My friends call our version of that bar “The place with 50 taps that does not sell beer” Because I complain all the time that they have no traditional beer recipes. Now they do check all the other boxes mentioned here. Whichcraft brew in Webster, NY.

The other thing I notice is older and less attentive folks get lazy and fixate on a part of your car and simply match speed. I had some old bat do that to me and I ran out of right lane...

Sometimes I worry that this is a scenario that a lot of our kids have actually played out. What could possibly be wrong with that?

I seriously doubt that responsible gun owners would object to check-in of firearms at hotels. It would be significantly more secure than trying to lock them in the room with you with every hotel employee having a key. The hotels, however, might object to the cost of maintaining secure storage of said checked in

That is not completely true because those 1000 HP motors are much heavier than the 400 HP motors so the entire system is slightly less efficient.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a belt sheath for this + standard Leatherman folding multi-tool? I have run with the slim Maglights (with crappy adapter kits) for years because of this use case. I take these two tools everywhere I go.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a belt sheath for this + standard Leatherman folding multi-tool? I have run

Aluminum + water + salt = nasty corrosion. Having had salt aquaria for several years, I have some experience here. It just doesn't look like iron corrosion.

I spend $15 to get 1/2 yard of concrete sand dumped into the back of my 2x4 F150 between the spanning boards and then I tack a piece of plywood over it to keep the wind from blowing it all out. Its about 500 pounds, directly over the axle. I am currently looking for snow tires, because I agree with everyone here

Really? You do know where your cabin heat comes from, don't you?

Umm Wrong.

The number 2 problem is reactionary security, where management panics at news outlet announcements of cat-out-of-the-bag hacks and insist on sketchy, incomplete patches that have to be done multiple times and off-cycle from normal security updates.

"As an example, I voted for Cuomo in New York, because I guess it's better to have a shitty ass Democrat than a Republican still, but wanted to throw up as I bubbled in his little box."

What is crazy about that video is this: Only one of two missiles achieved penetration there. The other one skipped off the hull. All that devastation was caused by one warhead. Now granted that thing looked hollowed out. You could almost see the deck pop off the entire thing. Oh, and for all those folks that

I am pretty sure your $250 radio control car will lose signal about 10 feet into the twisty-turny earth tunnel. Not terribly effective. I am willing to bet that most of the cost in there is a Harris or a Raytheon combat communications system designed to work as far underground as possible.

I salute you sir!

Great. Now in addition to knowing every web site, every email, every phone call I make, they will have real time access to all my medical data. People better wake up and realize that this is not just your incidentals that are getting used and abused. In aggregate, this data can be used to extrapolate all sorts of

100% agreed. The aboriginal adds in the middle do it no favors either.

You don't have to go all the way out to Saturn, goose a few asteroids out of orbit from the main belt and smack them into venus at the appropriate vector to accelerate the planet into a faster rotation a tiny bit at a time. It's just math; like pool.

Kudos for saying it. Now go buy me a Nexus 7 tab soo I can be just like you.

You do not need concrete. Use bentonite clay for the ultimate sand castle sand. 15% should do you.