
Let me be the first to say, fuck Honda.


I fully endorse this statement. All these lefty Trump haters can eat a bag of dicks. Love him or hate him, he’s our president, and the office deserves better than this petty bullshit haterade coming out of the Jizmoto group these days.

You’re not fucking journalists, you’re now acting as activitist masquerading as a journalist.

I agree, this imbalance needs to stop. We need cars designed and built in America, like the Ford Focus, Buick Cascada or the Chevrolet SS.

What a fucking idiot.

That was great Erik. Thank you.
I grew up near the Haydens and have some of my own ties to the dirt racing scene that had me crossing the family’s path with some regularity. Every one of them comes off as kind and fun-loving every time you bump into them. It’s been a joy watching all of their successes and challenges

Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.

That’s nothing, my Corvair’s speedometer jumped from 40 to over 100MPH before the needle broke off entirely. The speedometer was also making a loud screeching noise. I also need a new speedometer. I was also passed by commuter traffic while this occurred in a 50MPH zone.

Fucking hell. I’m sitting on the couch right now with my 4-year old daughter snuggled against me. I cannot imagine a more horrible thing to experience. My heart goes out to that father.

I vehemently disagree. My car has both a touchscreen and a knob/buttons (and voice commands but I can never remember those), and it’s MUCH easier to use the knob intuitively while minimizing or eliminating time I’m not looking at the road than trying to find and push some button (note my car has semi-autonomous

Touch screens might be “intuitive” and “hip” but there are fingerprints everywhere as a result. And that is unacceptable

Dude, no, just, no. You’re wrong. Touch screens are awful for driving.

Because some people feel that it is their job in life is to try and tear down anyone more successful than them selves under the guise of social justice.

#include “pewpewpew.h”


I know we’re talking about two different things here, but think about this compared to the has to gradually build up to that speed around a giant oval.

It would take 37.04s to cross the bridge (including the 26s used for getting up to 250mph).

It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

But... Jessica Biel.