
The stories are very similar, but are less connected than they are on Real Humans. On Real Humans, George and Laura are father and daughter and he gets Vera forced on him by his family. With Pete, they've merged two characters from Real Humans together. Niska was never a sex bot on Real Humans. Essentially, the two

Everything will be wrapped up but they said that if they feel they have more story to tell, it wouldn't be impossible for them to do a second season either.

Allegiance is her most recent work. Wayward Pines was filmed all the way back in 2013 and was originally meant to air summer 2014.

Series regulars are usually credited in the main titles regardless of whether or not they're in the episode in question so we might never see Beverly again but Juliette Lewis will probably still be in the credits.

The cast's contracts were up this season, so the writers probably had to write this episode as a possible season finale. Luckily, new contracts were signed and ABC has renewed the show.

Because they were in love and also because she's a series regular on Jane the Virgin now.

Well Matt Czurchy only has nice things to say about Archie. He described her as a 'great friend' and said she deserved to be the lead star in a show so he supports her decision to leave and is excited about her future. He therefore kind of acknowledged how marginalised she'd become on TGW and seemed to be suggesting

I don't think she could be anymore professionally dissatisfied than she has been these last few years on The Good Wife - it's why she's leaving. I doubt she'll care if it's a one-and-done series (she's British so she's used to hopping from show to show) or a show like Dig as long as she gets to do something.

As far as I'm aware, she's only mentioned Heigl once since she left the show, and that was in her recent Hollywood Reporter cover spread, in which they specifically asked her about the behind-the-scenes drama on Grey's Anatomy and how that has impacted the way she does her job now. It made the news because it was the

I agree. Although I don't think it was to get back at Dempsey. I don't think she's petty enough to do that. Dempsey claims he was only told he was being written out in February/March, so it sounds like ABC/Shonda made this decision very late and this episode was rushed out to avoid having to pick up the option on his

Ironically, he died at another hospital. The curse is spreading; no Seattle hospital is safe.

The show was already bending over backwards to accommodate Dempsey's racing career despite him being a series regular, so I can only imagine how difficult it would have been for them to negotiate guest appearances with him if Derek had simply moved to DC. People have invested in Meredith and Derek's relationship for

The YouTube comments for the promo of this episode killed me because they were all variations of 'this will be the one time we root for the serial killer' and 'hope Barbara dies!'

Dangling Clarissa in front of us as if to say 'we're taking things back to when the show was actually good' and then killing her off was such a cruel thing to do. The CW needs to have some serious words with the showrunner about the state of the show.

Give me some recent examples of shows which produced 66 episodes that never received a fourth season…

"I’ve been trying to put my finger on why Reign has lost steam this season."

You clearly have no idea how television works so let me explain it to you: the network pays an agreed license fee to the studios for each show that they air. For the studios, the license fee is one of the most significant sources of income for a show and so it plays a key role in determining the show's budget - the

The character isn't from Westeros, so she is supposed to look and sound foreign, and that is why they cast a Dutch actress.

Camp wasn't fired. She asked to be let out of her contract because the workplace focus during season one meant that she had very little to do.

What storyline? She's showed up about five times and mainly exists to give Cobblepot a motivation for his desire for power, but she also gives the viewer some insight into why he is the way he is. She's a harmless peripheral character. I'm glad Kane is a lot more than that on this show - it's a better use of her