
The comedy being the weak aspect was ironic considering it's written by comedy writers. If I remember correctly, the PR/Brit Marling parts were good, the scenes with the officers not as much.

I thought the issue regarding the creators of the show hating each other was well known? They apparently started working together because getting a deal with a studio on their own was proving tough. Once Modern Family cemented itself as a hit, they no longer felt the need to tolerate each other and they came up with a

Just an FYI, the song's being released to raise money for the Children in Need charity, so it's not just a promo for BBC Music.

People do realise that the story would have been broken by the whole writing team, right? On sitcoms, all the writers pitch jokes and work on improving drafts of the script, the credited writer is unlikely to be responsible for every joke and every aspect of the story.

Because you not hearing about them means they're failures? They also have The Americans and Falling Skies. Out of the 27 series they've produced in the last 30ish years, 17 have lasted more than one season. That's considered a pretty good track record in the TV business.

I watched the pilot online and I heard today that they changed the ending for the aired version. The new version took away any sense of fun that end of the original pilot had.

He's doing both shows. Sitcoms don't take much time to film when you're only in four scenes (Ed O'Neill only works two or three days at the most on Modern Family). Also, he's not appearing in every episode of either shows.

I don't think Fishburne is interested in doing more than the bare minimum. He's probably only guest starring because it's easy money and it made it easier to sell the show to ABC than only being an executive producer.

First episode of this season.

There were a few moments that absolutely cracked me up:

I thought the show was actually pretty successful in fleshing out the character. He seemed to be expecting Claire exclaim 'YOU'RE A MONSTER!!!' and fall to pieces, but she recognises that his issues are psychological, which is why she tells him that he wouldn't be the first man to be affected by war. He's clearly a

Nothing to do with the referendum - a broadcaster could easily have acquired the show and delayed airing it until after the referendum if they were concerned about that. UK broadcasters usually wait until they can air a show uninterrupted anyway, so January is likely the earliest it would air referendum or no

Alcide was shot in the head, he could only survive by being turned into a vampire, which Sookie, quite rightly, said he wouldn't want. Arlene wasn't dead and so she was revived and healed with vampire blood. They were two completely different situations.

She said he couldn't get in but he could still hurt her. I suppose it's possible he could set fire to a part of the house to coax her out or something?

I've always assumed it's a character thing: Bill uses makeup to minimise the differences between humans and vampires visually.

Poor Parminder Nagra hasn't been able to catch a break since ER. I thought she'd finally found herself a long term role and then that happened. I can only assume they cast her to diversify the cast and make the show less of a sausage fest, so killing Malik off seems counterintuitive to the reasons for introducing the

Misdirection - you expect the character to become slightly significant at some point because of her name, making her premature demise a surprise. There would be no sense of danger if DC universe heroes didn't die occasionally and it's good that things are a little unpredictable despite the show being an adaptation.

Is it weird that I found the last scene comedic rather than creepy? Sweeney found himself an equally fucked up soulmate - maybe they'll ironically kill each other during sex?

Yeah, I was confused by that, too. Alicia mentioned client poaching, maybe Diane meant that she still owed her one for taking Sweeney away from LG in the first place? Renata isn't a big enough client to make up for that.