
I've always assumed the long couch gags and musical numbers are just a way of padding out an episode because they struggle to write a 21 minute script nowadays.

Orphan Black is both Canadian and British. It's produced by Temple Street Productions in Canada, but Temple Street is partly owned by BBC Worldwide, which is British. It's co-financed by both BBC America and Space, so the show doesn't belong to one network more than the other, and that's why it airs at the same time

I enjoyed the last two episodes a lot more than the rest of the season, which I felt lacked the 'alien-ness' that made the first season fun. My guess is that ABC asked for the alien stuff to be toned down to make it more compatible with Last Man Standing, which was a mistake. Fingers crossed ABC finds a way to make a

See, 10 seasons in and I've never really noticed it on Grey's. They had quirks like 'SERIOUSLY?!' which they eventually dropped.

Has anyone else noticed that a lot of the characters, particularly Olivia and Cyrus, have to EMPHASISE. EVERY. WORD. and sometimes they repeat their words, REPEAT… THEIR… WORDS…, for additional emphasis. It's probably been like this since the very beginning, but it's been driving me insane this season.

The quality of the shows are similar, but, for me, Trophy Wife feels a little fresher and its humour has a bit more bite.

The character's name is Bert in the pilot script, so either they knew they were going to cast this boy or it's a nice coincidence that they have the same name.

Worst Week was actually a remake of a British series, which may or may not have ripped-off Meet the Parents.

I imagine your rooted Android still switches on with the same button no matter what changes you make to the UI, though. This wasn't a UI problem, Ward simply did not know how to switch it on - whether the table was voice activated or if there was a power button. Once it was on, they didn't have too many problems, it

I agree. I would have liked to have seen him reach out to people from his personal life after he became concerned that Tahiti had changed him. Although May assured him that he was still the same, surely there's someone else he could talk to? He doesn't seem too concerned about SHIELD protocol when it suits him, and

I know it's been established that SHIELD trains its agents for different specialities, so their knowledge of things will vary, but surely they were all given basic IT classes that covered how to get holotables working etc? If not, SHIELD may want to reassess their training program, because their agents really need to

Dempsey only acts for the money nowadays. He's said a few times that his real passion is car racing and so he'll stick to Grey's and do the occasional movie as long as it continues to pay well and can be scheduled around his racing commitments.

I was amused by their attempts to give Ressler some personality. The tough-guy agent who kept reminding Lizzie that her personal life should be left at home suddenly wants to talk about his ex non-stop, even during undercover stings.

I don't really see Whedon being able to increase his involvement with the show. Production on The Avengers sequel is about to begin and it's scheduled for release in May 2015, so he'll have his hands full over the next year.

Ha, Mike returned with the kid, their boss was missing and yet there was still no action - they clearly had no plan to apprehend them once the kid was safe. They didn't even bother checking in with Ward, their 'tactical expert'. It was a very poorly put together mission and it made them look incompetent.

I like how ABC's trailer for the next episode in many ways resolved the 'cliffhanger'.

It's a little more complicated than that. Sleepy Hollow only has a 13 episode order, so the producers are spreading their budget across fewer episodes than S.H.I.E.L.D. The budgets per episode therefore give the impression Sleepy Hollow is a more expensive show, but a show with a full season order is inevitably going

Barbie and Angie smoked outside the clinic together in the pilot. Junior saw them and instantly assumed they were sleeping together.