
I made some sugar scrubs and body lotions for the moms in my life. Cost me about $20 all told. I feel bad because it's not like pricey but I did spend a few hours on them.

Right the long history of people finding different things funny...? The long history of the privileged laughing at the under-privileged? If you don't work towards goals in society SHIT DOESN'T GET DONE. All the social progress that is made is made because PEOPLE WORK TOWARDS IT. Attitudes can change. We can see that

But at least you can track your child 24/7 now! THEY'RE ALWAYS SAFE. *crazy eyes*

I hear you, but it's a new member of your family coming. It's exciting because it's like, hope for the future, and thinking about all the things you could do with the new member of the family, and etc. I think it's exciting because it's like, BAM - new chapter in life! That's a huge change in life.

Haha great advice!

I've got over 50 different essential oils! My latest mix - I'm using a combination of peppermint, cinnamon bark, and citronella to keep the bees and wasps away from my patio. I mixed a few drops of each into alcohol and then spritzed it around. Works a charm :)

No, it's how they sell a lot of the flour in the UK. You just need to add some extra ingredients to get self-rising flour. For every cup of flour, add 1.5 tsp of baking power and a pinch of salt.

Ugh so true... I became self-employed last year and out of necessity (wasn't making a whole lot my first year), I started making my own hand soap, laundry soap, face cream, etc. But I had to put up a front like it was because I wanted to because otherwise people immediately felt sorry for me and had less respect for

Yay fellow Etsy seller! You can definitely make money on there. But it's true, even my otherwise lovely bf has a "it's just a hobby" attitude about it.

After listening to her long-form interview w/ Dr Drew (soz I know you guys hate him), I kind of just feel bad for her. She's had a lot a lot of trauma in her life (including having a traumatic brain injury so bad that she was in a coma, while she was pregnant, and being kidnapped as a young woman).

Ya in Ontario we pay 13%, which is better than the 15% it was a few short years ago...but it's still 13%. I remember going to the States when I was a teenager and going to the mall for some shopping. I was so shocked to get change back from a twenty when paying for a $17.50 shirt.

Good luck Danny :) he was asking for it?

No I agree. Also - I don't think Midnight Chardonnay is the worst name... but I might be insane.

Aw you sound like a real sweetheart.

I hear you. My arms make me look so giant in photos, especially when it's just like bust-line up because I also have big boobs. So basically all you see are huge arms and big boobs and one would assume the rest of me is the same.

Yup and furthermore if you at any point or aim any of the guns (which are modified to be unable to fire and used with demonstration bullets with no gun powder in them) at anybody in the room you automatically fail, whether it was an accident or not.

This woman probably knows how to call a taxi or take public transit. I doubt this was her "only option"

Right there with you girl. *cheers*

Stay strong! I know it's hard to choke it down but it will get easier. :) (I know that wasn't the point of your post but it just took me back to 5 years ago to when I had some rough rough times with disordered eating)