Half a lemon dipped in borax for scrubbing really dirty, stubborn grime in the bathroom and kitchen.
Half a lemon dipped in borax for scrubbing really dirty, stubborn grime in the bathroom and kitchen.
Metal detector?
I don't think you're being preachy. Trust me I'm pretty sensitive to people spouting off exercise "truths". You are relate-able and inspiring. I need to drop about 20-30 lbs at the moment and I'm finding it daunting. But you're right, start small!
Okay I admit I made a comment like this on Monday. I still hate the design. The light gray is not pleasing to my eyes.
Great tips and congrats on getting in shape and meeting your goals!
Well, I hate it. I've been avoiding the other sites because of this clunky ass format and now I will, with heavy heart, have to leave Jez. This look is a huge step back. The comment system is terrible and hard to follow. So so disappointed with Gawker and all it's periphery for this.
Same in my area (Toronto). When you go back to hometowns it's all - get married! Have babies! Here, it's wait wait wait.
Ya seriously beautiful woman for sure.
Wow you've been through some shit girl! Happy that you guys made it through.
Here in Ontario, Canada, after 1 year of cohabitation you are considered married for tax purposes and after 3 years it's full legal purposes (common-law). I guess that would be federal too but I just know for Ontario.
Beautiful article. Thank you.
If that's true, could it be that the reason most porn watchers are white males specifically because there has not been many black male performers for black males to identify with?
Ah okay, well that's good news!
Also, *hugs hugs hugs*.
Totally normal to feel that way about losing a friend to a bf - to a point. Sounds like you've been (sorry to be so blunt) pretty dependent on her. Maybe it's time to get some awesome hobbies? Saying that you're trying to stay out of everyone's way makes me feel like you've got some low self esteem. Your friend of so…
Writing in cursive is sooo much more satisfying though!
I found a book of stencils from 1973 that is all art deco. It's incredible. I am going to make the coolest t-shirts ever.
Haha fair enough :)
True! Good catch. Still it comes up every once and a while (that women can't be mean to other women otherwise it's not feminist) and it's starting to get on my nerves.
Sorry to hear :( But thank you for sharing your experience. I think it brings up a great point about correlation vs causation.