
I found myself in a similar position earlier this year, except that I did demand a raise and I found myself out of a job while a male counterpart who did much less than I did for more got a further raise.'s talking about how bad of a boyfriend he would be because he's such a great elected official. helloooooo.

Good for you. Exposure is the only way to really keep these people accountable.

I didn't take that as proof of her argument, I took it more like, hey that's what worked for me. It didn't come across as "this is how it works for everyone" because so much of the article is about how things work differently for everyone.

Total stranger.

Nah she had already given birth. She just had a belly still and looked pregnant.

Where my family is from, pregnant women are encouraged to have a small glass of a specific red wine (high in minerals or something) once a day. People actually worry if you miss your glass of wine! Also, people are so very very judgmental. My friend quit smoking during her pregnancy but started again after giving

I'm with you. These answers could be confusing for those earnestly asking for advice. Also, sorry, don't find them funny.

Look up Breaker High if you want to see teenage Ryan!

Wow that's awesome! Congrats.

That is amazing. Thanks for sharing :)


I am the same way. I throw myself into huge artistic projects just so my brain can shut the hell up for a period of time. Recently I redecorated several rooms in my apartment, including paint and new crafty accessories, just so I could breathe without having a panic attack.

Bravo - too bad it went flying over many commenters' heads.

I *did* wake up this morning and want French toast - how did you know?! I'm making mine with bagels though, wish me luck!

Great advice!

Same thing as when a guy wants to stick his penis in your butt, he "feels" out the situation with his penis instead of asking, duh. Why ask ever? *eye roll*

Contained?! I'd not be surprised if they started a magazine a-la Goop about fitness and fashion tips.

My parents did not need me to help out with the budget by working, but my mother made my sister and I start working as soon as we turned 16. She wanted to teach us the value of a dollar. We learned to save money and how much work it was to buy that new pair of jeans. I don't care if I am a millionaire by the time I

Liney Linemouth, Attourney at Line - the funniest thing I've read all week. Could be the cold medication talking, but yeaaahh.