Came here to say the same thing! Thanks.
Came here to say the same thing! Thanks.
I don't know if every case of "minor" sex crimes is taken seriously by the police in Toronto, but we do have a lot of news reports for trying to identify "the man in this photo" who groped women on the subway or the street. I feel somewhat lucky that my city's officers seem to take at least some of these cases…
Um I believe you partially missed her point. She was speaking about the cultural sensitivity to privacy in the home for all genders. I realize she did say "especially to women", so I understand your point, but I don't think she was apologizing for misogyny, I feel like she was pointing out that it might not be…
I am already drunk! It's like you can see me through my monitor. In my house, we split the chores evenly, although if one person is having a really tough work sched the other person cleans more that week. I don't think my man would feel comfortable if I did everything. Alllllso, here is my idea for the next research…
...aaand this is why I make my own skincare products!
Agreed, he clearly said "and less", as in the ceiling should be somewhere between 200 and 250k
Great point! There are even Libertarians that are Christian, but they respect the right to freedom and freedom of choice. Even if they disagree with gay marriage on a personal, religious level, they support gay marriage rights because they believe in freedom. (Libertarians might also say something like the government…
Thanks for pointing out the societal structure thing, it makes my uneasy feelings about these studies suddenly make sense.
You gotta do you! I get what you're saying, and I think it's a great point. It just gets tiring, non?
Oh, well I am. I wasn't saying it works for everyone, but after being bullied by all the lesbians I know for being bisexual, I looked up other terms for types of sexuality and found that one, which actually suited me better. Wish I was braver at that time and stood up for being bisexual, but it felt exhausting trying…
this is why I tell people who ask me about my orientation that I'm pansexual. It confuses 95% of people enough that they either respectfully move on or respectfully ask questions.
we all know that FB pages begin at conception.
I completely agree. The sentence "I consider brushing my hair making a major effort on the appearance front" sums up the entire article for me. Congratulations, you don't like make-up. Are you now better than those of us that do? I love neon eyeshadow and painting my nails with cats on them, but I also own and run two…
I like this advice a lot. That way you're not saying that the problem is dead wrong, but that you think it could be improved. I like to add why it would be an improvement in terms of their goals, such as "It would be even better if you did Z, because it would encourage people to become repeat customers" or something.
I have a very similar problem. I come from a squarely middle class background and my bf's family is upper middle class, all prominent lawyers and such. While at my family's dinner table we discuss sports, at his, we discuss the economy and politics. They have a much nicer house, and nicer things, but his family is…
yup. I wonder why we can't be nice to all genders and not specifically just women because WE ARE WOMEN TOO. Just because men have had "nepotism" doesn't mean we should exclusively help women, that makes us just as bad. Or maybe I read point 6B incorrectly.