Krombopulous Michael

The general idea is correct. The regressive left has diluted the word “fascist”. The democratically elected president is not a fascist. A conservative Jewish commentator is not a fascist. A feminist (no matter how many condescending air quotes you use), is not a fascist. None of these people are shutting down free

. The home was big, it was close to my in-game office

Which is going to be a dating sim and Blizzard will get all the money.

Three times as much is still only about half of what the original Battlefront 2 had. As long as the vehicles are still power-ups instead of actually there on the battlefield, I think I’ll pass.

It’s not coffee. Also the baristas aren’t mad at customers, just the situation and some customers, like the ones who throw things at you when you tell them you’re out of supplies.

It’s good to read things!

Things the helpful woman wrote in her post:

they then had to solve 42 consecutive riddles to make him stop

feasel then went off to give a wedgie to the guys that ran the sombra arg.


The deal on Archer could put your video library or your wallet into the DANGER ZOOOOOOOONE.

The deal on Archer could put your video library or your wallet into the DANGER ZOOOOOOOONE.

I can’t decide what’s uglier—the Faraday, or Los Angeles strip malls.

The president’s asinine tweets are the perfect cover as they are both sensational and largely inconsequential.

Can we maybe stop talking about his tweets? There are things that the Republicans are doing everyday that threaten the American way of life. The president’s asinine tweets are the perfect cover as they are both sensational and largely inconsequential. Let’s give it a rest. Please? Our way of life, based on some of our

“Scared for our jobs” was the constant, ubiquitous norm at GameStop. I will not only vouch for it, but will go so far as to say most of these apologists are either company plants or young employees who don’t get around much. Kids in high school or college students looking for extra spending money don’t feel the same

Having talked to something like 100 current/former GS employees over the past two days, I don’t think this is a vocal minority. I think it’s a sampling of a systemic problem affecting stores across North America.

You must be fun at parties.

Whenever it starts to look at you funny, give it food.

No. Micro-Machines were amazing. Get out.