
Alternatively, there’s also a new Elite:Dangerous themed D&D game that was successfully Kickstarted recently. Should be epic.

He made it hard by completely switching the characters but it is still great. I would urge you to press on. Some of the theorising about the way we use technology and what it means to us is fascinating, plus he has an incredible mind when it comes to world building.

They stuffed them with things that made them smell like animals. You are right though, this entire show is just ‘look, we can trick stupid things into believing us’. It is utterly immoral to make animals care for inanimate objects by tricking them, worse yet the mother wild dog actually risked her life to try and save

Ironically, the Game of Thrones board game is actually awesome.

You would be wrong. It does get good though.

The show is pure drivel compared to the books. Seriously, the casting is possibly the worst realisation of characters ever to besmirch our screens. If you enjoy the show then imagine what it would be like if those characters had 3 dimensions, and weren’t racist stereotypes that bear little relation to their characters

A lot of Punisher discussion, no one seems concerned with assaulting a police officer now becoming a hate crime... sometimes it is, but the two are not synonymous. More people being locked up in a country that supports 25% of the worlds prison population already, with countless billions being made through it’s

Lol. Now you put it like that it’s almost a direct reprisal. But, you know, Chronicle was GOOD unlike Spiderman 2, the worst sequel since Spiderman 2 (but this time with Toby Maguire).

A lot of people have jumped on you over this. I think you are right that it’s still a bit of a gimmick but it definitely has value - your remark about the weather was accurate, if I’m front of a computer it’s faster to just type ‘weather’, but the joy of Alexa is that I can just wake up in the morning and ask her from

Yeah, but I don’t think you can really appreciate the anthropomorphic factor until she’s there. I know it’s not a ‘she’, but it has a female voice, just like my satnav is a ‘she’.

For someone who doesn’t live in the US, wtf? This seems like a really needless and personal attack on all people who support one team. That is literally the definition of racism (google it, it’s not about colour).

But Chronicle! He is truly great in that film.

Also, that Superman was played by CHANING FUCKING TATUM.

As an Alexa owner I can honestly say I wasn’t sure, but having had her for a month she has become party of the family. I don’t have a massively internet connected house - no smart dishwasher or toaster - but it’s great being able to select music from bed, ask her any question, set a timer, tell a joke, or even just

Really. Thanks for putting spoilers into the sub heading, way to ruin an entire season of Mr Robot I was looking forward to. Cunt.

On a related note it’s also definitely worth checking out ‘Lord of Light’ by Roger Zelazny. It’s a sci-fi/buddhism crossover done very well. If you haven’t heard of him and doubt his pedigree, he’s won 3 Nebula awards and 6 Hugos.

If you’re struggling to spell ‘Rogen’ then yeah, you might want to rethink your PHD. It’s not just his fanboys that can spell a phonetic fucking word. This is exactly the kind of cynical negativity there just isn’t enough in the world at the moment, thanks for sharing. Never stop believing you can be the change you