
And besides being good business, who would want to build a platform and then have it be dominated by racist shitheads? The aggrievement and entitlement are so striking. It’s the same as the way little children will whine “It’s not fair!” whenever they don’t get their way. There’s nothing unfair at all about Twitter

I have often found that people who say offensive shit then shout “freedom of speech!” Have no idea what it actually means. Just like they don’t get the whole book of Leviticus but quote it pretty regularly. Also they’ll never understand what it means if you try to explain it to them because they refuse to understand

Funny how some people want to protect speech when it's racist. It was horrible how organized the attack was on Leslie. How do regular people handle it?

Because they’re white dudes.

I’m sure all black celebrities on Twitter deal with this to some extent, but this volume of vitriol has to be because a black woman dared to be a Ghostbuster. I’ve seen a lot of misogynistic trolling about the movie (which was awesome, you sexist fools!) but there is no way that McKinnon, Wiig, and McCarthy are

Seriously I do not understand and probably will never understand this. Twitter and Facebook are not governmental venues, they are not subject to the first amendment, and they do not have to tolerate hate speech. But they choose to do so.

Why are they doing this to her???????? Just because she is a black woman who is in Ghostbusters????? I don’t understand. Who are these people?????????? It scares me to think that I could know one of them and not know it.

I felt so bad for her yesterday. Leslie is life and she’s always so positive.

Fucking FB needs to hire more people to get rid of this stuff. I’ve reported actual THREATS of physical harm and horrible racist shit and they say “well it didn’t violate the terms”

I went through last night and tried to report as I could, and of course I sent Leslie some love via tweet. But my god. My fucking god.


I feel like I will die of old age before a sufficient amount of white males speak out against misogyny.

Honestly, this is why the concept of an ally is so important. No, not the kind who do it to get a back pat. Not the kind speaking OVER the minority they supposedly stand with.

the boy would have been given in school detention or something a bemused half smirk and an offhand “boys will be boys...” FTFY

Seriously. Middle school kids are the worst humans.

Boys straight up grope and assault girls in junior high and high school all the time. Almost every woman you know has a story.

I’m not sure if you are a troll but there are multiple stories about things like this and worse happening to girls across the entire fucking country. This is not about different schools.

On my bus we had to sit three to a seat on busy days and I was on the aisle so my but was hanging off and this boy and his friends kept grabbing my butt and trying to stick their hands down my shorts and when I told them to stop, THEY WROTE BITCH ON THE BACK OF MY WHITE SHORTS.

Yup. And I am now a fully formed adult human and I mentor junior high and high school kids weekly and the boys are still the worst but I get them for an hour and a half each week so you best believe I make them sit and talk about consent and boundaries and all kinds of tough topics.

35 years ago, I endured all manner of groping and pinching in my middle school (I’m female; boys were doing the grabbing)...and it never even occurred to me to tell someone. I just absorbed the idea out of the cultural ether, that it was my own fault for sprouting enormous breasts. I don’t know whether to be furious