
Thanks! And, the same to you. I hope work has been better lately (or you’ve found a new job).

Just wait until the David Duke’s of America decide to come out of the shadows and reach for power (official or extrajudicial) now that they can claim the silent majority supports.

*hugs* Know that I care about you, even if I don’t know you “in real life.”

James Buchanan? Whose Presidency preceeded the Civil War?

Yep, said this on another post, as well, but I’ll repeat it. I’m a sexual assault survivor and seeing him win makes me sick to my stomach. I’ve never felt so scared and alone, especially knowing that my entire family voted for him.

I’m here feeling your pain.

I did too, only thing I can do right now...women aren’t shit in this country. We can kiss our health care goodbye. I guess we can try to take care of ourselves the best we can.

The free press as we know it is gone and done. Trump has already stated that if he wins he’s going to do everything possible to put them out of business. Then again, most of the mainstream media gave him a pass on his BS and liked him because he delivered clicks and ratings. They gave passing mentions to his scandals

Wonder whether the florist, caterer, minister, photographer, reception center etc. will have a religious objection and legally be able to discriminate against you too.

Exactly. Well white men just showed they don’t give a fuck.

Anyone surprised by this shit has not been paying attention. Y’all think a black president makes us woke? This is what it takes to prove to you that this is our country?

This election has brought on so much PTSD. After being the victim of workplace bullying recently, watching a man bully his way into the highest office in the world makes me sick to my stomach. Trying to process this all has been really hard. I just want to hug my pillow and cry myself to sleep. Maybe the funny

Well, in that case, get better at this, America. Jesus.

I donated to Planned Parenthood tonight, because I had to do something, and I figure they’re going to need all the help they can get.

If we ever had any doubt that hate, fear-mongering and violence are quintessential American values, we’ve been conclusively relieved of them.

Well, this is going to be an interesting four years. I was really hoping that I’d never have to hear another word out of Trump’s mouth once this election is over.

According to Omarosa, he has been keeping an enemies list and is already deciding who he is going after first. I am not making this up.

I just told my boyfriend that I loved him a couple days ago. He said it back. I wonder if we’re still able to get married if it comes to that. I’m heartbroken on a thousand different issues.

What the fuck is wrong with this country? We are literally living in two separate realities now.

Vindictive as fuck! Let’s see who he goes after first, press, media, journalists, liberals, Hillary. We are fucked.