
Money Magazine and Business Insider both had a couple good articels.

But mostly it depends on the kind of business you run. Under the Senate Plan passthroughs except personal services (most pass throughs), who get hosed, get hooked up. Which is how they screwed the Dr’s, Lawyers and Accountants. In the House version

Michael Harriott is generally dead on but I swear every article he devolves inbto the same dog whistyel crap I hear from the people he’s writing about. I know sometimes you’re being funny, but other times I see the same crap as the “Right”.

In all fairness to the execs..they are listening to what the customers demand. I remember 4 yrs ago when I went form Satellites to video Games (I got downsized by a defense contractor so I went back to school). I’m sitting in a class on video game design and the instructor spent 1’2 her time trying to explain to

Yeah, but assuming that Blizz’s player release number are even close to accurate that’s chicken feed.. Case in point when they did the purge in 2007 of chinese gold farmers it has been verified they killed 3 to 3.5 milllion accts. Assuming that was even 1/2 their total accts your talking (3,500,000 x 13$ = 45,500,000)

NO, because those are still labor costs. And not all studios have downtime, my team gets paid when we work (we’ve set the company up as a GP managing a Coop) and even a stupid mobile like Clash of clans is a huge outlay. Pick a game and count the number of 3d assets...then break those have concepting, first

Exactly, but try telling that to someone used to traditional product oriented costing..IT’s like trying to convince fish to breathe air..

WRONG!!! You’re using a production a standard software house...Video Games are called studios for a reason..they work on the services model like Movies..Most of us have very little infrastructure, and we do mostly contract work for others. My company has 10 people we have no office and are spread across 5

Hell, crap talent demands a pretty penny..a Competent entry level Rigger runs 30$ an hour and it takes 20+ hours just to rig a standard human, and don’t even think about stuff with extra arms/legs or in a quadraped stance..then add 25+ an hr to get it animated with any movement cycle running another 20-40 hours oh and

Yes, and you tell thousands of player that they need to pay more than 5$ for a game that has 1 local, 1-2 playable characters. Especially when they can do better on their mobile than that..

Actually, thanks to Agile being the new industry (Software in total) that is changing..With the exception of big Gov’t Contractors and financial companies (Banks, Experian, etc) everyone is going to same route as the Video Game’s all Rapid Prototyping and Agile Development..Video Games just jumped on the