Because Bubble Tea is one of humanity's most horrifically disgusting creations.
Because Bubble Tea is one of humanity's most horrifically disgusting creations.
So as it turns out, I have access to this article via my university...and they did indeed use a wet tampon. A Tampax Super Plus, in fact, which the subjects inserted and it sounds like they sort of...pressed against it repeatedly it with a finger to stimulate the pelvic muscles. Or something. Apparently they…
Chelsea Handler is what happens when your alcoholic aunt thinks she's your cool aunt.
I think she looks pretty.
I know I'm going to be in the minority here... but I think Britney looks kinda badass. I want that on my head. [Slinks off to a corner in shame]
I have a love for all shades of red hair, including the purplish and the Raggedy Ann.
It's better to bring them over when they're so young because they pick up a second language much quicker.
I've long suspected that "luge effect" as a T1 diabetic. If I take 2 units of insulin and consume an apple, I end up with higher blood sugar 1h later than if I take the same 2 units insulin and consume an apple and a glass of whole milk - which would in theory, require 3 units insulin, not 2. So I've suspected the…
Brilliant. Deadspin didn't drive this story. When they posted about it last night, it was just "Look at Richard Sherman acting like a crazy person! How fun!" What drove this story were 1) A flood of explicitly racist tweets and 2) A lot of grandstanding and moralizing that contained barely concealed racism. There's…
Gawker Media: Your Source of White Guilt Since 2003!
Kenan Thompson's first bit on next week's Saturday Night Live just wrote itself.
Erin, you forgot your Beats By Dre headphones. Richard, calm the fuck down.
Eh, I would've liked to see more passion from Sherman after a dramatic victory like that.
"Yeah, we're all Broncos fans now."
-America post-Richard Sherman interview
"And don't get me started on that bitch Evelyn."
"And, Joe, back over to you, as I am being dragged off to his lair, presumably to serve as his post-game snack."
Oh I knew SOOOO many Sallies in college. Most of them just go by Sal now.