
It upsets me that nobody ever asks Ivanka if she’d date him if he wasn't her father. Like she wouldn't have a choice...

<Leans back in chair and slow claps>

I used to put this on repeat when I was like 13 and sing this like I was in the studio and sometimes I would cry...

I think you are my spirit animal.

What is in the "gift baskets"? I'm endlessly curious!

Now his break up with Madonna is starting to make more sense. She couldn't handle the extra calories...


Ahhhhh. Why make me laugh SO loud SO late? Why???

Seriously? How da fuq are you not in the greys??? Please reference all the shit talking regarding Burning Man that Rebecca has done... This refurbished commenting system gives me the sads when trolls regain their top status...



This^ and from someone who has never attempted or contemplated suicide.

Yeah, fuck this lady. Just because the restaurant isn't well equipped for those with small children doesn't mean she can subject the rest of the restaurant customers to a feces du jour. She sounds extremely passive aggressive. I've had to change a child on the floor (with a pad and blanket) of a restaurant and it

It's totally a let down when there isn't one. You hit the nail on the head! The first flight I was ever on at the age of ten, our lovely male flight attendant mentioned that our seat cushions can be used as a flotation device, especially for those with hairy chests, as they have Velcro on the bottom.

The production quality was laughable at best. The dialogue audio was allover the place and sometimes ambient. The acting was painful to watch. I think they should make more ads like these:). Let's let then keep shitting the bed!

I bet you're really fun at parties.

No it wasn't... Your comment is my fave one of the day!