<All I know after calling the McLeod County Sheriff’s Department is that the woman was apparently “legally drunk” at the Winstock Country Music Festival,>
<All I know after calling the McLeod County Sheriff’s Department is that the woman was apparently “legally drunk” at the Winstock Country Music Festival,>
The truth is that non-morons (read: landscape professionals) transport quantities like that by trailer or via dump truck.
As good a reason as any to utter the phrase “cease all motor functions”.
You really can’t let Nexus 6 have car loans. Average US car loan is 68 months.
I wish that is all I had to go through. This is a video of the last time I tried to buy a car. And yeah, that salesman had it coming to him. I had to sit in there for an hour while he talked to his “manager” about financing. Then he wants to know about tortoises?
Nah, they all left centuries ago and sailed west to found a new nation.
That Corvette suspension must have some extra knuckles at the end of the control arm.
The Corvette doesn’t need to be at a Cars and Coffee event to take down an innocent bystander. And it’s strapped down!! Now that’s a car.
Nice price, for certain and damn straight.
That’s not a typo, Alanis. They know what they have.
Dodge Dart Rallye
That’s a nice price if that’s how much the owner is giving me to take it off his hands.
Next thing you know they’ll be rebranded under a new name, Ord Motors.
If it’d had better ride, comfort and build quality than, say a Cozy Coupe, it might have put itself on the road to being a future classic. But that would have been a big if for ’80s GM.
I don’t think this is what he meant when he planned to get shit faced that night....
And a flamethrowing guitar for that... Front seat.
I’m not going to fight you. I’m going to help you fight people. In fact, I’ll raise you. The Rocketeer is one of the best MOVIES ever. Every single action in film informs character decisions and drives the plot forward. It’s beautiful aesthetically, and it’s god damned gorgeous narrative wise.