

So, when can I go up?

Haha, well if you return to Cambridge for a visit, checkout to find a good local show!

I used it my senior year in college (4 years ago), which sucked a lot. You can't drink AT ALL. I learned the hard way - had a few beers (like maybe 5 or so) and woke up on my back after having booted... really scary. Whatever you do, don't drink with it because you will black out!

Any kind of response would be fine, really. If someone says "how are you?" you could say "good, how are you?" or "not bad, you?" or just "good, thanks!"

I know I've commented about this so many times, but I'm really excited. My buddy and I started a company about a year ago that basically matches musicians with stages if they can sell enough tickets (like a kickstarter for gigs). Well, we have our first show this weekend in Cambridge, MA! So psyched to see our is about as simple as it can get - check it out: []

And I mean this only in regard to the drone... nothing more than that! Don't want to offend anyone...

Thanks for the suggestion. I was always told pngs have limited compatibility with some of the older browsers. Our image scaling functionality definitely needs some tweaking, and I'll suggest we switch to png, or at least a jpg with a minimum of 80 set for quality.

Thanks for the suggestion. I was always told pngs have limited compatibility with some of the older browsers. Our image scaling functionality definitely needs some tweaking, and I'll suggest we switch to png, or at least a jpg with a minimum of 80 set for quality.


Wow, that is really great to hear! Thanks!

Thanks! I'm really glad you like the site and the UI. It's interesting to hear you're having a font issue in Chrome. We're now using a google webfont, so I'm not sure why the aliasing isn't working correctly. Philly would be another great city to launch in - we really need to rock it in Boston first before

Thanks, and I know exactly what you mean. What we're doing is using a 920px wide image and scaling it down for the slider. After scaling it down, the image gets all crappy looking. I don't know how to fix it, but it bothers the hell out of me! Any ideas? Is there a better tool out there for scaling and aliasing

Yes, it appears it's an IE issue (of course!) so we'll try to fix it quickly. I'm hoping the artists who use the site will be using Chrome and Safari on their shiny new macs, right? Right?!?!

Thanks for checking it out! I kinda feel bad using the Friday threads to self-promote, but I figured it was a cool enough idea that would interest fellow giz/lh readers. We've fixed the greek text and blog links, but thanks for giving me the heads up!

Wow, that's not good! Thanks for letting me know - I haven't been doing much testing in IE, but we definitely support IE7+ (at least we're supposed to :)

Just give me a damn iPad app please. And revamp the entire desktop and mobile application UI... it really needs a lot of work.

I assume that even though the screens are 720p, they appear 1080p? Connecting a PS3, though, would have to down-scale to 720p to fit these things...

Forget monster, career builder, etc... you will most likely get your first job through friends, family, and people you talk to in person. Every job I've had has been that way, and in today's economy, you really need to know someone on the inside to get you an interview.