
Ha - I've been doing something like this for a long time - instead, I tape two pieces of duck tap next to each other (to make it super wide) and then tap the bottom 1/4 to the wall underneath the target. The duck tape flops over a bit, but is super tacky to catch all the remnants...

@Dunadan: I don't think its an HDR actually. I think the TV absorbed the extra light, effectively lowering the exposure.

So Apple

YES! I have been asking for something like this forever. I wish Apple made their illuminated keyboard from their Macbook Pro line into dedicated wireless keyboards, but Logitech will have to do. I'll wait until the design a nice looking one, but I'm psyched this tech is finally available.

@Rett Gerst: Can you let me know how you like it when you get it? Just respond to this comment and I'll get notified.

I've always wanted the back to my iPhone to be metal - I wonder if this material doesn't have as much of an effect on the antenna as other metals. Then again, now that the antenna is outside the case, couldn't the material be anything?

Chicago Air Show this weekend - psyched.

This kid is so much more legit than that 16 year old who traded things for a Porsche.

@cubist_zirconia: I switched because I was getting frustrated with my Droid. I rooted it and overclocked it, but still the OS just wasn't stable enough. Apps aren't as well designed as the iPhone and what really made me drop Android was the iPhone's screen.

@Thalantas: Hahaha, yeah I never used it in those situations. I used the voice-to-text feature to text people while driving. Super useful and much safer than the alternative

@Justin - The one without the star: I did enjoy using Android for a while on my Droid, but after rooting/overclocking/tweaking, it still wasn't as nice of an overall experience as the iPhone. The iPhone is just so refined compared to Android. Seriously (and I'm unbiased since I've used both for an extended period of

And this is the #1 reason why I miss my Droid. iPhone 4 is awesome, but I used this feature all the time. Dragon just isn't as usefull as having a button integrated into the keyboard for ANY field...

Pisses me off - good thing I downloaded it yesterday! I'm glad I gave $2 to TapTapTap and hope they win this battle

Chilling, just chilling. They should make a SUP paddle with a cattle prod for these situations.

@rootyb: I see, thanks guys! However its done, it's pretty fantastic. I do believe Apple should add a hardware button that is fully open to the developers.

@rootyb: But how exactly do you "turn on the behavior" without an exploit? If software cannot access certain parts of the hardware, how can this be done by simply "sending a command?"

@JstSqzd: it is very much worth $2 in my mind, and I do the same thing all the time - buy it now for future use.

@ckcallen: sorry, able *to* enable

Holy crap this app is polished. I'm the kindof person who keeps the front page on the homescreen filled with the original Apple apps, but Camera+ is now replacing the stock camera app.