
Definitely shoot down a remote controlled helicopter. That thing should be able to slice off the Styrofoam tail...

This may be frowned upon here at LH, but I'm a long time reader/commenter so I feel its ok. I work at and have a free $15 discount code if anyone is interested... just enter:

@irkregent: Totally agree - I'm using chromifox because I love the upside-down tabs. I hope they make it an option!

@Zonky: Exactly - although I already have a slingbox and DirecTV is integrated into my condo assessment, so actually its cheaper to just keep using DirecTV and Netflix. But Hulu on iPhone is pretty enticing...

@Johann Schmidt: Well the Food Network channel has some streaming, but I'm not sure about Hulu. Its pretty much the only thing thats on my tv consistently outside of the normal weekly shows I watch.

So with Hulu Plus, Netflix, and ESPN streaming on my 360, why do I need cable again?

I wonder if I can return my wife's iphone 4 for a white one when that comes out... think they delay past the 30 day mark?

@Travis Gohr: "PR" stands for "Public Relations" - this was a private email to a customer! His emails are arrogant sounding, but its surprising he even takes the time to respond to some of them...

One of the best tips I've heard for grilling steaks: take your left hand and touch your thumb to your pointer finger lightly. With your right hand pointer finger, press down on your palm/thumb area... that is what "medium rare" should feel like when you press down on the steak. Move your left thumb across each of

@Hackholm: I completely agree. HW can only do so much, and nVidia really does a fantastic job with their SW. I feel like each beta driver gives me at least an extra FPS :)

@Project_J187: Thanks, this is great info. Yeah, hopefully tesselation catches on, but let's not forget PhysX...

@Nicko01001: Using BB 0.2.1? I had it for a while, but the damn thing kept rebooting. I ended up going back to BB 2.1...

I'm split between getting a 480GTX or two 5850's in CF. I've always used nVidia cause I think their software is better, but I'm willing to jump ship. Thoughts?

@tetris2: That I can't argue with, but that thing was pretty useless... I wish they spent the extra $0.02 intimidating ATT to not suck as much.

@tande04: I'd guess its at least $.01 to $.02 per unit. That adds up my friend...

The sim ejector is definitely more than $0.0000000001 per iPhone - think about the cost that is incurred for packaging alone. Getting that thing in the box must be a bitch and takes time...

@ssj4Gogeta: I am running Win 7, so we're good on that. It looks like the 6600GT is just too old for the 9800GTX - I think it's a driver issue. I don't think the 9800 driver is the same as the 6600, so that's why I'm SOL. I was hoping this wouldn't cost me anything extra!

Ok, have a technical question. I've got a single 9800GTX on my Asus p5k-Deluxe motherboard. I now have three screens, so I wanted to use an old graphics card to power the third screen. Unfortunatlely, my old 6600GT didn't work at all in my second PCIe slot (P5k has a 16x and two 4x PCIe slots). Now I know the P5k

@envador: Awesome! Really well done

@ottawagamer: Yeah I got laid off last year and it was pretty rough. Although I was expecting it (worked at Motorola, and we all know how they are/were doing...), it was still a shock to lose my first job. Don't take time to wallow... get right to it. Make sure you tweak your resume to the point where you're really