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    Well three can play that game!

    After numerous stolen account numbers I had to move elsewhere. The last straw was a account stolen during the overnight process of mailing my new card. 

    After numerous stolen account numbers I had to move elsewhere. The last straw was a account stolen during the

    I've never understood the magic 20% down-payment line for PMI. I've had 800 plus credit score for over 20 years and will be buying my fourth home soon. Shouldn't there be a line that says ok... This guy obviously pays his bills. Let's not charge 20%....my problem is I've been paying double payments on a 15 year lone

    Gsam battery monitor is awesome also.

    Unless they have programmers that can make a bot smart enough to understand that they can ride along on my car with me while we rally our squad I’ll believe there are quite a few actual players.

    My God why can’t someone stop this mad man from ruining America!?

    My Ira has tripled in value since he came in office.

    Ugg when will these extenders come down in price? For $100 I’ll buy the Google version to match my onhub when they combine with Google home.