
now origin just needs a library of non-EA games and uplay needs...to go away

confirmed. just did it!

Ah i see so not truly public, only accessible by Comcast users. My friend is dissapointed. Thanks,

Does that mean that if someone jumped on the comcast hotspot connected to my house and torrented illegal things that Comcast would have no legal grounds to bother me? Asking for a friend

Odd they show my phone as the example but i couldn't find it in their database? Galaxy S5...If it's in there they aren't making it easy to search

Right!?! I was born in '89 and remember my dad bringing home doom wolfenstein and duke nukem on floppy disks when I was around 6. those games fueled my love of gaming and computers

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ah i see. Thanks, Never say never an a world with necromancy, cloning, and wizards recent trend of revisiting old stories!

or Sarkan...all i want is sarkan...and perhaps a 12" dragon for him to ride

Karn Became a planeswalker there is hope! In lore i believe Urza is as well, but he hasn't shown in the cards for some time

So if there's already a game that brings you to tears, another that makes you want to turn your apartment into a day long arena, and one that's just plain fun, how many more reasons do you need to buy a Wii U?

Yeah I Love kickstarter, but i don't think any project i've backed has been done in the timeline they set.... so far i've still lucked out where the projects i backed have all worked out thus far

been looking for a good excuse for this: http://nfcring.com/ little less intrusive than painting one on your finger

You covered most of mine, to add to contained noise situations Wife and I same room. different systems/games or any roomate situation

HEX looks ALOT like the Duels of the planeswalkers magic games, which are their yearly releases of only a few sets all included (don't have to buy packs etc). not the consistent MTGO which is the full card game in digital form

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Indeed. as soon as there is a viable way to get equal or better quality streaming i'd be muuch more likely to go that route. i have been liking the ultraviolet thing in additon to the disc. usually it has a bunch of extras you can stream, and you can download to devices for offline viewing

i love digital and physical. my games library is almost 100% digital from 2012 on and i have 200 physical movies between dvd and blu-ray. but what happens if you have a fire or theft? physical is gone just as easy as steam shutting down. digital you can watch anywhere any time, and it takes up almost no space....

It's not supposed to be some groundbreaking piece of technology. It's art. taking something that exists only in-game and turning it into a fully-functioning prop is, in fact, very cool.

there's one of you in every post....