
I would absolutely re-buy on blu-ray, but these are still beautiful upscaled , and one of my favorite shows ever said the grown-ass man.

The Room 2 ($1.40) | Google Play | Normally $3

I didn't get anything in writing. just noticed it was late. called the number on the back of the card. and apologized, and asked if I made a payment now if the late fee could be avoided. it was, and when i asked about it hitting my credit score she says they don't report it immediately and if you pay it off before

Agreed completely. The problem is when we start to rely on debt for necessity. Because when we need to be in debt we become comfortable with debt, and when were too comfortable with debt places like rent-a-center actually get customers.

you let me know when your house doubles in value. cause then you've broken even.

Im not saying BAM! we only charge $20K for a house. this current economic system is the product of decades of decisions that would need to be reversed (probably over a similar time period). I'm not saying i have the answers. Can you honestly say that A world where we need to rely on others to give us money for

I'm not debating that homes/schools/cars are bad things, nor am i debating that we SHOULD invest in them. What i'm saying is in our current system you NEED Financing to do these. Forcing you to need credit for a necessity doesn't make it a good system. In a good system these would be obtainable by savings. Instead we

Yah thats society as a whole. you need credit to survive. education and housing end up costing twice as much and society has just accepted that you have to finance those things with credit. no one shrugs when you finance a car. my house will end up costing me slightly over twice what it's listed as and people call it

I have the matching love seat to that couch... Got it from my grandparents like 7 years ago. they had it for many years before that. thing won't die. My wife says its ugly...she might be right

with most apps you can have them scale down to fit the smaller screen, and with the great clarity you still see all the details. ive used the comics (comixolgy) app for digital purchases, and komiks app for scans. only time i have an issue is the panels that pan over two pages

Yes, you need chrome, and this extension on the target machine. it runs in the background even if chrome isn't running. i like the simplicity of it myself and im already on chrome

the newest nexus 7 displays everything crystal clear best comic device i've found so far, my old galaxy tab 2 7" was usually "readable" at best

This looks great! how can i get in on this next year?

and i suppose you have an awesome cosplay you've worked on?

Apparently there are acceptations... I stayed up several times early in the relationship just talking with my girlfriend...who became my wife...

I found it under sellers>new> amazon. but when i went to add to cart it said it was not available from that seller any more

You're either a troll...or stupid....not sure which

Last Titan Standing FTW!

you could click the link...it would have taken less time than posting the question