Chances are most of the first commercial space operations will be in mining the minerals that are abundant in space, but rare on earth. That, and tourism, but space-buses turned to weapons are no fun.
Chances are most of the first commercial space operations will be in mining the minerals that are abundant in space, but rare on earth. That, and tourism, but space-buses turned to weapons are no fun. says my credit, debit, and paypal are all not working...anyone else having this issue
When i installed pro from beta it downloaded a separate app. opened media monkey pro and it said "congrats you now have media monkey pro, and i can now access new features from either of the separate apps. definately a little roundabout
I really like it myself. different strokes i suppose.
I'm seeing $3.59 as well, and its supposed to go up to $5.99 after the weekend
don't know about tiger direct, but i've gotten all my newegg rebates back follow the rules, and keep copies of everything and no problem
Just put one on each!
Discs are probably done, all changes will most-likely be day one patch...
Now if only Hollywood would get on board the no-drm wagon. clearly the music industry survived and is thriving...I can't remember the last time i torrented an .mp3 now that there is reasonably priced drm-free options everywhere....
Been keeping an eye out for an affordable one
It's the inevitable future....people already pay real money for "gold" and sooner or later game companies will realize its futile to stop, and will want a cut of the profits.
If you wan't more buttons and analog sticks you already have plenty of options, my preference being the 360 controller. However analog sticks are still, in my much-debated opinion, not as good as a mouse and a keyboard (and un-undoubtedly worse in some game types i.e RTS).
gotcha, at least its something
I loved my psp (original 1000) for emulation. i used it mostly for GBA/PSX games as well as some SNES and Genesis. i didn't know they finally hacked the 3000 sweet. i might hit up a few pawn shops and see if i can secure mine
I think your definition of useless needs refining. Perhaps they could be more useful, but the information is helpful
XBMC handles standard torrented files well. might be overkill if you just want a local media browser, but i love it!
at which point why torrent dvd fab when you can stop buying the movie studio's dvd's to rip and just torrent them?
Mostly good tips however there's a reason for an off-season/ hurricane season... because these can seriously change your cruise. with the higher risk of storms cruises can cancel visiting certian points to avoid weather, or you could still spend half your cruise indoors due to rain. you may pay half price but you may…
yeah alot of the suburbs are beautiful. i work in the springfield area, alot of folks around here go out to worchester, or even down to hartford,ct