ah i see. things are a little cheaper on the other half of the state it appears. I just put 3% down in Palmer, Ma at about $112/sq ft.
ah i see. things are a little cheaper on the other half of the state it appears. I just put 3% down in Palmer, Ma at about $112/sq ft.
54%? where is that?
good to know! i only have about a dozen comics on here and haven't had the issue in a long time so then i really cant complain
My biggest issue is the have to be online to view, which is a big one, is there other issues you have with the DRM?
canistream it has always worked best for my on a case-by-case basis. i haven't found anything comparable.
I'm not sure how this doesn't bother more people, i want my shows commercial-free or completely ad subsidized if i have to see commercials. not both... I was shocked to find that hulu plus's subscription did not scrub the commercials on hulu...and there's nothing worse than seeing the same 1-2 commercials every…
Still holding for a last minute titanfall preorder for pc...
I told myself i would buy this if it ever went under $2....and it has...and i still just dont want it. love Alien, like gearbox, but there's just too many great games out there to bother with a meh one
oh the n64/ps1 era games did not age well....
same! i got a sweet deal that included AMC, as well as a year of HBO and doubled interenet speed for for $7 more than i was paying for jsut 20mbs internet. ill probably dump it again once the HBO runs dry but if the price is right ill pay for cable.
Media Companion has this I believe, though its taking me awhile to get used to using it.
Love it or hate it this is one large microtransaction
Indeed i find this the quickest easiest way for garbage drives
you can get free drive wipers. of course at the cost of free ymmv and it can take a long time to wipe a drive. for the average users (someone who need a tutorial like this) you probably don't need to worry about your data that bad. there's easier ways for the baddies to get your taxes, credit card, and porn…
It could be a pc on lower settings?
not sure, though it isnt uncommon to watch one of them choking another while a third watches...kinky drones
Whitson Mentions this in the article:
Aww thats ashame. I did both of these things and have since moved on, but i see sooo many people who would say what you say. In my experience i would do it again.
Lol love the part about the phone. i key numbers all day and every time to go use a phone i stare at it for awhile and have to reorient to its backwards keypad
strange. i still have the sudden urge to go play clash of clans