Usually i get an email from amazon telling me this has happened and they are automatically refunding me with zero work on my part. love amazon!
What kills me is you can print the labels right from amazon so you they have all the rates in their system, and usually the cheapest option is still $2-3 higher than the credit.
Yeah. that seemed like the only explanation i could think of
I had a cheap dell, not sure the model (it was running an i5 processor so it wasn't ancient) that you had to remove EVERYTHING to replace the hard drive because the hardrive was between the motherboard and the keyboard, and you couldn't go in through the keyboard. You had to go from the bottom all they way in. Two…
glad to see me and my friends aren't the only ones who avoid the god-awful communications functions on the 3ds and just use our phones instead
Didn't that dayz ripoff get "cancelled" after it released on steam, just to show up later with a different name?
Anything for Battlefield 4 PC?
i always do!
Me, the guy/gal who starred the comment, and the Anti-Troll Collective
We are thrilled that you came into the "tips for playing xbox one" article to post this
I have always wanted this!!!! Just did this manually with 6 Lenovo's last week
Ooh didn't see that. Still 1.5 hours away but way more doable then the 2+ for NY
Im in MA, closest one is NY... it sucks ive wanted to go so many times!
yeah none near me unfortunatley :(
I have an amd am3+ at present either way ill need a new board
Probably not Haswell, but i would have taken an ivy-bridge one instead. anything is an upgrade from my 3 year old amd. I figure ivy bridge being the older gen might show up cheap somewheres.
Wasn't sure if i should wait on the Haswell i7 for a better black friday deal, but i just pulled the trigger. if theres a super good deal on that, or ivy-bridge i can always return... Can i keep it in the box until then....
This has almost reached the "but can it run Crysis" levels of annoying
I thought it was pretty funny that you quoted the answer. i read it like 5 times thinking maybe i missed something