
If that kid ever googles....

I have to admit, I found Cathy's piece yesterday credible. I didn't recognize her byline, and I couldn't imagine why a woman would say she loved somebody who raped her or suggest hanging out with him. The longer transcripts and Emma's explanations put my concerns in context. It looks like she was trying to pull away

oh god what if the kid got away with like

If Ariana Grande isn't a baby, then why did she sing the word "baby" that one time and then again that other time?

Um, so are babies. Their skull bones don't fuse for a good while after birth.

I think it's racism and classism (high brow vs. low). Vogue has featured way less deserving people in the past and no one threw a similar tantrum.

I was hoping a black person would do this instead, but I'll give it a shot! (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.) "Boo" is originally black slang, so it's a little racist to try to incorporate black slang into your speech when you're a white person talking to black people. (Like, "Oh, I bet he'll be more

Confession: for the past three years that I've been talking to you abut my children, I have been talking about my chicken babies.

Is it weird to say that I appreciate that they let Caputo be hung. Like, give the guy that win.

I am a very masculine straight cis female who is misgendered constantly, and it fucking sucks. I sometimes feel like I was born a woman in a man's body, but I wasn't. My genitals actually match my identity, but I am just naturally very, very masculine: tall, broad shoulders, heavy set, bumbling, oafish, with big hands

So are you so it all evens out.

Watching these makes it so weird for me to remember a time when I was unsure of which pronouns to use for trans people. It seems so obvious that they are asserting their identities, and all we have to do is follow their lead, listen, and afford them some respect.

I don't know. My sister's husband's neighbor's wife got her kid a vaccine, and it gave their kid ebola. It's not really the same as autism, but if they can give a kid ebola, y'know?

I'm only letting my kids get organic vaccines just in case. Because it's my kids.

I learned about anatomy, reproductive health and other basic things but the idea (even) of transgendered ... well I'm not going to list it all off because none of that was covered.

Seriously, this is like the 3rd or 4th article this week that has made me feel like an ass for being an ally and not ACTUALLY being a black lesbian. I'm sorry, I had no idea my empathy and belief in equality for everyone regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation was so damn offensive to you. I'll just sit in

And I thought it was lovely that he contemplated his own sexuality and found a way to feel solidarity for gay people through that contemplation; that's real empathy. And I did know that some of the money went to charity; it was one of my first questions, so I investigated.

Just as Macklemore has no right to speak for all of the gay community (which he has never claimed to be doing) Le1f also has no right to speak for all of the gay community (which he explicitly was doing in those tweets).