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    You can't deny someone their rights because someone else might take advantage. That's my point.

    I did. That's where I got my article. I assumed you looked at Walt Heyer's site? That suicide rate you mention? I know where it came from. I wanted to see if you did. It's from a Swedish study that's flawed and despite the suicide stat that everyone latches onto, the head of the study says she believes her study

    So I assume you also support for stronger background checks for guns to keep unintended consequences from happening? Almost any law can have unattended consequences. To deny anybody rights because of that is ridiculous.

    I'm curious as to where you get your information. GRS regret is generally very low, lower than other cosmetic surgeries. Here's a fairly thorough research project that determines that, done properly, transition is very successful for most people with gender dysphoria.

    You wanted science. I gave you science. Then you tell me that's too much information. Fine, how about simply accepting the idea that a Harvard scientific publication is acknowledging the science behind gender identity? And they're not the only ones.

    Ok, trans women are asking to be seen as women.

    1. And that's changing rapidly. I said medical groups, not governments.

    Actually, it's not a matter of opinion. The state of Illinois and the federal government legally recognizes me as female. And the majority is moving in my direction.

    No, Tinkerbell! We believe in you.

    If you want to get the chronology right, you have to go back to Houston, who passed the HERO act, which opponents couldn't defeat using traditional LGBT fear tactics. So they hit on another: Men in women's restrooms! That's where all this started. Laws that were designed to give protection to LGBT in public

    By saying end of story, you're the one denying science. As many as 1 in 100 people have some sort of intersex condition, including women being born with Y chromosomes and men having ovaries. Yes, its rare and so is being transgender, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. And basic biology class should have

    Gender Dysphoria is not a mental illness.

    "It would be more like a black person during Jim Crow not wanting bathrooms desegregated, but to be personally considered white."

    Here's the thing: they're not the opposite sex. Trans women are women and trans men are men. Chances you've encountered plenty of them and never known the difference. This is about respecting trans women as women and trans men as men and allowing them to do the same thing as all women and men do. You've said above

    A Shit-In.

    Arby's: It's like a dare for your colon."

    Yeah, but technically she wasn't presented as trans, just as her dead twin. That's messed up enough to make anyone go crazy and commit those murders at Camp Arawak. 3 times no less!

    Fair enough. I've just seen people use this argument against trans kids before. "Well, I wanted to be a boy at that age and I grew up fine and well adjusted." At the same time, the strategy when a kid expresses that thought the first time is to neither deny it or affirm it. If it's a phase, let it pass. If it's

    Talk to a trans adult. Most of them will tell you they knew at that age, if not sooner. This has been studied and it has been found that for kids who consistently and persistently identify as the opposite sex, affirming their identity is the best strategy. Nothing is done chemically until puberty and then it's only