Good News Everyone!

Yes... but it would inform the “driver” that is has to go to the shop to get new tires so that the driver doesn’t think the car is doing stuff it was not told to do...

an alternative would be to measure the grip depth with LASERS! then inform the “driver” that the tires need to be replaced

Perhaps the charging mat that you park the car over is able to detect when tires need replacing?

how tf are they holding the soda with that grip?

I’ve had zero difficulty setting up bluetooth with any iDrive system. The Mini on the other hand...

You can CHOOSE not to turn the car on I suppose... put it in neutral and put a couple horses in front? lol

Tell me about it! My current M3 that I got Tuesday has rattles in the cabin, and my previous 340xi had rattles too! (they were working on fixing them but the parts were taking forever) Hopefully they can fix the M3 rattles without ordering new parts.

how is “the controls are a finger’s press away” even an enticing marketing line? All controls on all cars have been like that for decades.

I don’t understand what is happening in this GIF... why are the attacking this weird gate thing with a car and injuring each other?

The definition of fully autonomous does not include “car must not have steering wheel”. A car can be fully autonomous in autonomous mode, but then can be manually operated in manual mode.

weird... I have adblock on safari. I have zero issue staring comments.

My favorite has to be either i8 blue or a matte wrapped blue Maserati (the one they have at the Maserati/Ferrari dealership looked better than the image of course).


I know, who goes only 70?!

I’m pretty sure most people aren’t backing up on the freeway... so not sure why that would affect any detector.

That would be a decent portmanteau, if it were pronounceable...

“PlayStation VR virtual reality”.... thank you for calling the department of redundancy department.

The “heist” scan clearly has higher resolution than the one the museum did... how can they even be called similar or the same scan?

How can they even copyright an item that was created thousands of years ago... it is well past public domain as the artist has been dead for millennia!

Having not watched the video or read the article, other than the title. I’m going to say NO. Why would the heavier vehicle with a slower zero-60 time beat the lighter vehicle with a faster zero-60 time?