Good News Everyone!

"Click [here] to read about"

really? Cancer and McCancer are your hidden gems?

der waffle haus!!!

Right, that means you have additional space to install apps on the SSD, and store your documents on the HDD. SSDs are faster than HDDs, so that's why you want to install apps and OS on SSD.

Why would you ever install an OS on a HDD when you have an SSD‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽ #fail

At least with the concert hall, all they had to do was sand blast it. :P

EVERYONE knows that's where the Stargate is...

I honestly had no idea what you were talking about when I read the headline on the homepage. In fact, I had to bring up the word lookup then I realized what word you were talking about.

Pretty sure I went on a date with this guy yesterday...