CJ Spillerhighlife

There’s an X-Men (~#180) where Selene hunts Rachel Summers to gain admittance to the Hellfire Club. She pops in and out of both X-Men and New Mutants from that time on.

You could prob get away with avengers 1 and 2, Thor 3, guardians 2, and captain America 3. That would get you basic plot comprehension, I think.

But you get to hear Morgan Freeman say “shitweasel” so there’s that

Can the Golden Knights actually win this thing?

Lovett is unlistenable. I skip any show he’s on. The rest are fine.

Been on Startropics ever since I got the NES classic. Can’t believe I missed it as a kid.

I did love the use of the Shining music in the very beginning of this one. Really set the tone.

Not Bucci! :(

And vice-versa.

I believe that was the Tale of Cutter’s Treasure, where Sardo and Dr. Vink finally shared the screen.

The Burning is one of my all-time favorites — so cheesy but fun and Savini brings it as always. Another favorite of mine is Graduation Day, although I have no idea where to find it — it was on Netflix back when they were primarily mailing DVDs but it’s not there anymore.

Love! that movie

I think we’re already at peak Bawston media saturation.

He’s great if the play is right in front of him. But he has zero football knowledge, gets burned/relies heavily on his safeties, and throws up his hands and points fingers every time he gets burned. I assumed all this would be corrected when he signed with that team, because of the whole pact with Satan thing, but it

Same. I only had Genesis as a kid, and other than maybe a couple times at some friends’ houses, never really played any of these games.

Duckman was the shit

Ron Villone

Jaws is not a horror movie.

I will always have a soft spot for Halloween 4 but you are right Halloween 5-8 are borderline unwatchable. Halloween 5 had the inexplicable “man in black ending” (although it did have that great kill of the jerk-car guy boyfriend), 6 doubles down on the celtic-mythology stupidity, and h20 made the indefensible choice

Anyone particularly jazzed for the Emmys, either in general or rooting for particular show/actor/actress?